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Carping"aint"easy's Achievements

  1. Couldn't Agree more with you. Most of the TOP Brands outsource their sonar and use the liks of Raymarine and Toslon etc hence the price being so expensive.
  2. They are at an Intro Price at present as they have just been brought in but they will be going up to £949 in Feb. Thats the top price.
  3. Hi there. Yes we do through Klarna. But its Pay in three as we don't have a credit license as of yet to offer more finance options.
  4. What would you pay for a bait boat? Why would you pay that for a bait boat? and when would you use your bait boat? Hi there, we are from Future Carping and we supply bait boats and really wanted to use this forum to ask the community what would they like to see on a bait boat and why? What bait boat are you currently using at the moment ? Check out the CL4 bait boat with GPS & Sonar for under £1000. https://www.futurecarping.co.uk/collections/bait-boat/products/cl4-bait-boat We would love to know if owning a bait boat has increased your catch rate or even helped you get to the hard to reach spots you wouldn't be able to cast to. www.futurecarping.co.uk
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