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Posts posted by campionbouy

  1. On 24/04/2006 at 21:24, carpenwater said:

    Has anyone fished cobbleacre lakes in norfolk?

    A lovely lake with two islands.

    We decided to go for a 3 night session on the specimen lake as we had been told it was an excellent fishery with some lovely carp and lots of big cats.

    We made the booking and was told by latest bailiff Bob there would be no more than 8 anglers fishing the lake, excellent we thought.

    We contacted the fishery a few days before our visit and was told "its fishing its nuts off mate, you will get loads out". We couldnt wait to get there.

    We arrived at the fishery on Friday morning after a 2hr drive only to find most of the swims where occupied! We found the bailiff Bob to see what was going on and found out he had fully booked the lake with 15 anglers and the lake only has 15 swims! not impressed as we was told there would only be 8 of us. So we had to wait for swims to free up! Bob all so told us that it was fishing really well but when we spoke to the other anglers, hardly anything had been caught all week, think the bailiff must have talking about another lake! once we did get fishing we soon realised that this was not the easy lake we had been lead to believe. No fish where landed in the first 24hrs by anyone but we did manage to stalk 2 out of the reeds on crust. A 18lb mirror and a 12lb common, apperently there are no fish under 15lb so that was not true! Nothing else came out in the next 24hrs even though the bailiff told us different!

    Let us know if you have fished this place lately.

    And the tiolets where full of stinky winky too!

    Hi myself and 3 mates turned up on Marios lake at 6:30 Saturday morning. we had no problems getting a swim each, the lake looked lovely and we couldn't wait to get set up, we all fished 2 rods but unfortunately none of us had so much as a nudge all day. we also fished Sunday until 7pm with the same result not a damn bleep,,, all 8 alarms were silent !!   from my swim I could see around 6 other swims and no one had any action at all over the two days,  obviously I'm not totally condemning this lake as I know to little about it and I'm sure there as been some great days on it BUT I was told on the Friday it was fishing really well and we would all be landing decent fish so like some of the other guys on here we were all very excited to get there, we had a 2 hour drive,  very disappointed and will not go there again, 


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