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Everything posted by Daveyyyyyyyyyyyy

  1. After reading that quick drag washers speed up the clutches for my shimano 5500 xtd reels i biught a set of the teflon ones off eBay ..at 1st I thought they was great but the more I have used them I find them to be sticky and not smooth at all when I have loosened up the clutch after a cast and and setting my bobbins ..Alamo like they stick if that makes sense ? ..anybody else used these teflon ones and found same ?? I'm thinking of getting the more expensive once which in hindsight I maybe should have done in the first place but I don't want to be shelling out more money if they will only do the same
  2. So I have been humming and haring about what flavoured boilie to get made for winter ..And have decided on a combination of banana nut and spice ..what sort of flavours is every body else using this winter
  3. Cheers for your reply pal much ...I have I have done of the old nash biker style chains and bobbins coming after i purchased some of a lad on shpock but I'm not to keen on the actual bobbins so was looking at maybe changing them ..I will have a play around with then when they land and see if any if my other bibbins will fit
  4. Yeah well obviously I meant other than nash ...but cheers for pointing out the obvious I would never have guessed that
  5. What bobbins will fit in nash chains ..different fitting thread size than solar and matrix ain't they ??
  6. Didn't know sorry ..I'll delete it ..won't let me
  7. Didn't know sorry ..I'll delete it
  8. Don't suppose any body has nutrabaits cream cajouser flavour, or know where I can get it..as far as im aware it has been discontinued ans it is one of my fave flavours
  9. How much did they charge to replace the battery terminal mate
  10. Any carp lead makers ..bolton or leigh ?
  11. All they do is tell you to fill out a returns form send it in with alalrm and they will get back to you with the cost
  12. Was using the above blue foam aswell mate 😂😂😂
  13. Caught yesterday after casting out with blue... 20lb 8oz ..they can't dislike blue that much can they lol
  14. And if they are going to charge me so lots of £25 i would just be aswell buying a new alarm
  15. No receiver mate they just standard plus heads ...not been using this peticular pair for years but have been using delkims for years
  16. Yeah ok another post about delkims .... Have been using mine for years and have never so much as skipped a beat when it has been raining ..although I have heard all the horror storys..was fishing Sunday in a near on monsoon ...now I wiped down my alarms as usual put on the hard cases and put in my holdall as I do at the end of every session ..now in past when it has been raining I have always dried them in the airing cupboard once home ..but this one time I forgot to and left in my bag .any how I came to use them again yesterday and when I switched them on one of them was constantly beeping and the latch light was on constantly ..now i dried it out on the bank and by end of the session it was working fine again .... Now it has happend once I am going to send to delkim to get it re proofed..as I want to minimise the risk of it happening again Also need the battery connector replacing as it had corroded and I had to snip the old one off at the wires and re place with one I bought on line but only way to do this was to twist the wires together and tape it so I want that doing while they have it ... Now will they charge me for 2 separate repairs ?? Or will it just be £25 / 30 all in as I have read on line that is average price for delkim repairs Thanks on advance
  17. Thanks pal ..had to make sure mine worked the same before casting out and seeing as I had the other two rig foams here it was a no brainer to test all 3 against each other
  18. Made me pmsfl this comment lpl
  19. Ideal for me also mate
  20. Going to pack them down into 2 sealed boxes to prevent moisture mate
  21. Ok so i put up a thread last week about some pva nuggets ( bio degradable corn starch packing peanuts ) I bought ( won) off eBay ..this box cost me 8 quid in total I won the box full for £1 .( lucky I know ) with 7 quid postage ..they arrived today and I decided to test them against fox high risers and gardner colured rig foam .... All 3 performed as follows Fox 10 secs Gardner 13 secs My eBay ones 12 seconds Now bearing on mind my bath was still quite warm so times would probably be different on the pond weather dependent .but my main objective was achieved knowing that I can now fish with the ones I bought safe in the knowledge that they perform as good as the two other shop bought ones but for a fraction of the cost ..plus I won't be running out any time soon
  22. Anyone who knows me knows I love a bargain ..always wanted one of these years ago but could never afford one ...looking though eBay the other day and seen this ...they didn't do it much justice by the pictire lol ..I was only bid and won it for 45 ..paid a courier 12 quid to get it from Surrey to bolton have already bought some seam sealer for 7 quid which I will apply next weekend when I have more time ...so 64 quid all in and a couple of hrs of my time and hey presto a cracking shelter ..I'm more than happy with that...ps any tips on re sealing the tapes would be usefull have watched a few vids on YouTube buy can never have enoigh onfo can you ..tight lines
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