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Everything posted by Shaundesigner

  1. No i blanked, the bit I was in was dead they seemed to be showing in the main part of the lake
  2. I’ve got about 20kg of particle I’ll prob grab some more boilies when im there
  3. I’ve got just over 5kg of bollies and a fair amount of particle. That’s good to know
  4. I’ve got just over 5kg of bollies and a fair amount of particle. That’s good to know
  5. Thank you I’ll fire an email across, I’m not to sure how the draw will work yet. I assume so tho
  6. Not sure yet, we have the lake booked, so.we will be drawing pegs on the day
  7. Ok guys I’m heading to linear this coming weekend, it will be my 3rd trip to linear the first two attempts have been unsuccessful, I need to try and switch my blank streak. has anyone got any pointers for me?
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