when fishing a popped up bait on flourocarbon how do you make a hinge because on my flourocarbon rigs the line is very stiff so doesnt bend and all the flourocabon sticks up off the bottom
i already knew that flourocarbons are really hard to see thats why i asked is it more important for carp not to be able to see the rig or not be able to feel it because flourocarbons have a larger diameter dont they
it isnt just packaging lol read this wrtie up on ebay
Whether you keep the "skin" on or strip it, the same stealth line color will keep this hook link well hidden.
ok i was gonna invest in a spool but i dont think i will now i think i will buy some suffix stealth skin but i cant make my mind up whether to get the green or brown one
when im fishing on a tip rod with a method feeder when is it best to use a running rig and a fixed rig? and also what is the best way to set up a running rig because every time i do i get in a tangle