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Bagwood & Ham green how they doing lately?

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Hi all


I am planning my 1st carp fishing trip of this year (been a busy man :( :( :( :( )


I used to fish at henleaze lake all the time and have fished bagwood a few times too and had some good results...


was just wondering if any has fished bagwood lately and could let me know how it went etc......


also i have just fmound out about a lake called ham green which is aparently in bristol?? i know nothing about this lake and have never been there so any info, tips or pics of this lake will be greatly appreciated


many thanks for your time people.



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hi mate

i went down bagwood about three weeks ago for a look after work ,as soon as i got there a man was just releasing a 32lb common which he caught off the top.there has been alot of nice fish coming out mainly from the very end swim over the other side that fishes the back of the island.ive got the rest of the week off now so ill pop down there tomorrow and see whats going on ,coz i might fish it this weekend myself,anyway ill let you know.

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Ham green lake suffered from blue green algae a few years ago mate but theres sposed to be some nice fish in there but I never had any luck to be honest with you. If you go into pill coming from either avonmouth motorway junction or up the back of the suspension bridge & head out towards pill that way then you'll go past an old hospital well.... dont go past it drive in towards it & go round the back of the hospital theres a little lane that runs down the back & there at the bottom is ham green lake, nice lake but as I say I never had much luck down there but i've seen some nice fish in there. Have you fish yate rocks? tan house its called this is a nice venue just outside Yate used to be run from the farm i'd imagine it still is but can be quite hard going. Theres some cracking carp in there though. Hope this helps theres more waters I know around this area as well but its been a while since i've been up that way to be honest.:D I used to head down towards Bridgewater when I lived in Bedminster or go to bitterwell just to test things out before I tried my ideas somewhere serious. :):wink::D

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Hiya Rob


Nice one cheers for that mate....i have just found the web site for the lakes and it looks quite nice there!!!




Think i maye pop down tonight and have a walk around.


Mate if you think of any more lakes or could provide some more details about the one in yeat that would be excellent!!! I have not been for some time now so i am a bit out of touch with all the lakes


Take it steady :)

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Have you fished bitterwell, if you have you'll probably go OHHHH!! no but it used to be run by a nice couple called Clive & Mary & although its a real commercial fishery its a great testing place if it'll work here it'll work anywhere I promise that used to be my testing ground. Yates rock is just outside engine common coming towards winterbourne I think & if you head towards oh whats it called .... the place 1/2 way up the A38 past Almondsbury & keep going no its gone. http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?client=public&X=370000&Y=184000&width=500&height=300&gride=&gridn=&srec=0&coordsys=gb&db=freegaz&addr1=&addr2=&addr3=&pc=&advanced=&local=&localinfosel=&kw=&inmap=&table=&ovtype=&zm=0&scale=25000&up.x=185&up.y=6 better still follow this link & heres a map of it for you. Theres the clamp behind bitterwell but thats probably privately owned as it used to be theres also Whelford pools if you travel to tockenham then whelford not much further but a bigger class of fish & also a nice safe venue.:D Whelford was another of my stamping grounds & its 2 decnt size lakes lakes one speccie with around 50 fish in it & the others a bigger lake with loads of mid doubles & low twenties in it I think & thats not far from fairford airbase.:D:wink:

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fished bitterwell a few times mate!! not with the carp gear tho?? used to fish it match style years ago and some nice bags of carp but didn't really like it there.


i have heard of whelford cos i used to be a member of henleaze lake for about 6 yrs and the bailif down there has fished whelford a few times!!!! i checked their web site and it looks nice.


thanks for the map to the yate lake i think i will take a drive up there 2moro to check it out and gonna have a look at ham green and bagwood tonight!!!


I'll keep you posted on what i find out :D

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yeah i have looked into whelford alot and know a few ppl who have been there. i am going with my mate this w/e who is very new to carp fishing so dont want to scare him off with a 1st trip to whelford!!! :confused:


i am gonna take a look at yate tonight and fish either there or bagwood this w/e.


then as soon as soon i get back from glastonbury festival whelford is next on the hit list! :D

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minty . i live in yate and ive fished tanhouse farm quite alotit can be pretty hard going ,theres some lovely ghosties in there though.i went to bagwood today 4 a walk about and it was packed,forgot about half term,nothing decent has come out the last few days but it still looks promising as they are not spawning there yet,im off to longleat this weekend coz i had a few nice fish there last weekend, if you want to have a look at tanhouse sometime let me know coz i live in yate so ill show you about if you get lost...............wez.

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Wezz i'm jealous :( I used to love longleat great place, do you fish the top lake or the middle?I used to like doing a weekend up at longleat or if it was just a day i'd do the middle lake, have you seen boulderwood on your way up to longleat (check it out great bagging water, not huge fish but very scenic place & you'll catch large amounts of 3-5lb carp, day ticket & the guy comes round for your money & any food you want to order)as you'd have to go through Bath from Yate to get to Longleat, I know cos I used to live there my self, I lived just off of Shire way in Woodchester something or other & also Rectory close just up near the Quarry, is kingsgate pond still there by the way? thats where I first leanrt to fish catching perch & tiny roach but I thought they were huge at the time but I think they've tidyed it up a lot since I was there last. Nice to hear tan house hasn't changed its still as tough as ever then, I used to do quite well up there but you always seemed to have to walk all the way to the bottom of the lake through the sheep & lord knows what else to get to a decent spot.I remember (a long time ago this is now!) we used to ride from Yate to either the duck pond at Winterbourne or down to the river at winterborne down & fish under the viaduct there as there was an old metal green bridge doubt there is now but had some good memories of that place.:):D:wink:

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hiya guys


Hey wezz thanks very much for that offer....would be nice to be shown round by some one with a bit of knowledge of the place..........


i tried to look for it last night and got totally lost cos i forgot my map DOH!! LOL


i am prob gonna pop up there for a walk tonight with my girlfriend and my mate....hopefully wont forget the map tonight!!!


what is longleat like??? i looked at their web site but does not provided any pics of the lake!!! i have heard it is ok

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Minty top shout for longleat its superb on its day, go into the safari park as you would normally & head for the house then when you get to the house head over to the left hand side theres your 3 lakes, bottoms a match lake primarily, middles got some nice ghousties & stuff in but not supere huge fish & the top lakes the speccie but there a fair ole cast to the reeds the other side but you can pick up fish literally just in front of you, biggest sposed to be about 32lb last time I went there.

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I fished whelford pools over the w/e (from sunday to tues). what a beautiful lake it is...


Was really hard going. when i got there on sun it was packed, just 3 or 4 swims left. I had a walk around and found out that hardly any one had a caught a thing all w/e?? not good news!!!


The fish were still spawning and had no interest in feeding at all.


The swim i ended up in was on the right hand side of the 1st lake and was the last swim before the wooden bridge. looked lovely but didn;t produce a single carp for my 3 days i was there. Had some cracking tench out tho (up to about 7lb :) )


Going to give it another go prob next month, they should have finished spawning by then LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Got longleat and Orchid lakes on the list next and a few day sessions up at tan house

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Nice one minty worth the trip then I used to use spicey birdfood boiles down there with quite a lot of success actually but the 1st lake isn't for the faint hearted as you can soon get disillisioned down there without a fish for a few sessions, try the other one where I said next time & the spot that I said I guarantee you'll catch something, but well done could you get me a few piccie next time your down there as its been ages since I was there & it'd be nice to see how it looks now & how its changed. Another spot is the channel on the 2nd lake that goes through the middle of the lake fish close to the far bank & make sure to put a couple of freebies round it that used to get results as well m8 :wink::):D

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I tried to fish the swim you suggested with the gravel patch but the 2nd lake was rammed!!!!!!!!!!!


next time i go i will deffinatly fish around that sort of area!!!


i was using spicey shrimp and prawn boilies. single boilie hook bait with 8-10 broken freebies and a few pellets in a pva bag!!!


I did take some pics of the lake around the area i fished so i'll get those off to you tomorrow mate


Not sure if you can send files throught this forum or will you have to give me your email addy????

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You'll do well with what your using I think sounds good to me. Some super fish in there isn't there? you must of been fishing just next to where they cordoned off to let the fish spawn then is that right?Yeah think I did say it gets busy, you have to be there about friday dinner time to get a decent spot really cos most of them stay till saturday or sunday. But i'm glad you liked it, I loved the place it was one of my favourites & my record still lives in there somewhere! hee..hee must be nearing the 30lb mark by now i'd think.:):wink::)

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yeah i think ur thinking of the right swim


I wont change my tactics the next time i fish the lake.. do the same thing again but maybe take an extra flavour of boilies with me.


and next time i go i will go on a wed and fish thru till fri morning so hopefully it wont be so busy and you never know i could be sending you a pic of your beauty breaking the magical 30lb mark!!! LOL

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