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belvoir castle lakes

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:roll: Hi do any of you fish belvoir castle lakes i had a walk round the other day but did not see any body, i parked by the small lake as not sure if you can drive round was given the gate pass by AJS, still very wet at present but thought i may but a day season ticket as i would only be fishing untill march then again from october as fish in Horncastle for the summer months, the bottom lake looked quite a nice size did not bother with the top lake as it said closed a lot of water on it, i live in Nottingham and would just like a little info about the place only interested in the carp
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I used to fish it many years ago and knipton for pike till it was taken over by AJS. Belvoir bottom lake is very silted up the deepest water off the dam wall (around 6ft) the rest of the lake is very shallow around 18" at that time there wasnt any carp to my knowledge just pike roach perch and a good head of bream it may be different know because AJS are very pro when it comes to stocking best thing to do is give them a ring.

Knipton is now turning up some good fish (carp) and is one of the most beautiful places you could wish to fish would love a ticket but not got the funds at the mo hope this helps.


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