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blickling lake


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  • 2 months later...

I fished Blickling in the 2009 season, it's a great looking estate lake with a small but nice head of carp. trouble is the National Trust bailiffs there are very anti-carp angler... Baiting with boilies has to be done on the quiet and if the bream anglers see you heavily baiting they tell the bailiffs. So your always on your guard, there's long running bad feeling between the bream and carp anglers here which ( for me ) totally ruined the place. Also there's only a few prime carp swims near the out of bounds which everyone wants and where the majority of carp get caught from. Last straw for me was being told by the head bailiff that my rod pod could only be placed in the centre of the swim I was in!?. There are some beautiful carp in there but it's not a water for hassle free fishing or many runs..

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  • 10 months later...

Blickling has not as far as i am aware produced many carp in the last two seasons very few have come out, the same can be said of the tench. Bream still seem to be plentiful at the moment, BUT the Otter predation problem has now reared its ugly head at this lake. I am personally aware of serious damage to a number of large adult bream having seen it at first hand not a pretty sight!. Large fish killed with just a bite or two out of them laying on the pathway,and fish with hardly any tails left struggling dying in the margins. Most certainly to my mind the fish/wildlife population is now in danger at blickling from this apex killer (the fox) of the river/lake!!. Until the propaganda put about by do gooders and certain naturalists that the Otter is a cute,cuddly,furry, innocent victim is dealt with, and the actual truth of what it really is like is revealed Jo public will continue to be misinformed. :shock::cry:

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