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yeah i know the lake quite well having pike fished it a lot in the early 90s.

Just interested in the dos and donts and I have heard its not a particularly safe lake to fish at night and as Im takin junior wonder if anybody has had any trouble there

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we have just brought a static caravan on the holiday park just behind bradleys,,

iv had a chat with a few of the locals, and they did say that there has been a few odd cases of tackle thefts ,on a few of the waters on the watermark..

Bradley's has taken measures by installing new locked gates which is combination lock, only know by paying anglers.

its a sad fact :evil: these days that this goes on at a lot of waters..if in doubt take a friend or fish in groups if possible.

i always take my k9 friend with me on nights now,,and make sure his teeth have had a good sharpen before hand,,as important as my hooks :lol::lol:

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Yeah Id heard a lot of nods get down there.....that and the tackle theft problem good enough reason to steer clear me thinks.

found a nice little venue further south, was just looking to air the gear before we disappear to france 2 weeks today

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it is the usual sceney circus , if you can put up with the bankside pubs (oh sorry bivvies) the fishing aint that bad.

Loads more water down there to go at which isnt getting fished at the moment with some real biggies just waiting to get caught, a few anglers in the know have had some massive fish on the complex and are keeping their mouths tightly shut to stop the ingress of `the scene'. We view them like sheep, just following people around the country fishing the latest 'in' water.

Eh divingtec what happened to your post?....that thing about your Rottweiler of a son and his throwing stick made me laugh!....does he wear one of those council house studded colours?!!! :lol:

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Wotcha Salty Frog - re the original post my wife - a calming influence - insisted that I removed it!!! Haven't fished Bradley's for two years, but pike fished it a few times back in the early 90s. Was inspirational then. But I take on board what you say about it being part of the scene now - which would make it not my scene. The problem is that my son - not really a Rotty, by the way! - is a fishery student at Sparsholt and absolutely obsessed with the whole deal. So whilst I have him home for half-term Bradley's is somewhere we can go and hopefully fish next to each other, or at least close-by. As you know, some of the waters in that area are even busier and a pitch not guaranteed - let alone two together! Hopefully we can squeeze in to some quiet corner and find a bit of peace for 24 hours... the catching aint that important but it would, of course, be nice!!

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Oh yes!!! She is, in fact, a pike angler - no interest in carp, more's the pity! See www.dilipsarkarmbe.co.uk and shortly www.karensarkarart.co.uk. Her pikey paintings soon to be featured in the PAC mag 'Pikelines', and endeavour supported by our old mate and piking inspiration Neville Fickling. So, the power behind the throne, that I, a complete nod by comparison, have to kow tow to!!

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divingtec u say Bradleys is not really your scene where r u normally to be found then?


Well nowhere for a while, really. Life went tits up, resumed better than ever before over the past couple of years, and now able to get back out there. For many years my fishing has been compromised due to work, kids (single parent for a long while), so have fished local venues - rivers, mainly. Problem is that you compromise size of fish for tranquility, but what the hell, at least you can go fishing! But my wife is piking mad, bought a boat and all sorts, and a very old and close friend caught the 2nd biggest UK zander last Feb, on our doorstep, so here's hoping! But carping always very, very special to me, and as the Rotty is so into it tis off to Bradley's we are on Tuesday next!

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I was an oriiginal member of the Pike Anglers' Club in 1977, and for the record, amongst the first members of the Carp Society and authors in Carp Fisher, so been around a while and, frankly, seen it all. I once saw carping as something to aspire to, but no longer do: too much information available, not to merntion tackle, guides, bait and waters. I have only recently returned to piking, due to my new wife's enthusiasm, which I still see as a pionerring last frontier in a way that carp fishing no longer is. The MBE was unconnected with fishing, was for services to history in 2003 - seeing as you asked.

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I still view chasing the z's on the severn as following the pioneers and not tinged with an element of glory hunting!

I disagree with your comments re carping..yes if u just follow the masses carping is very old hat but chasing new fish on new waters has not changed since when i started in th 70s.

The problem is it is too easy to just follow the crowds........

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pioneers by there very definition are the ones that start the ball rolling not the ones who come after so forgive me but you sound like the rest of the sheep chasing scene to me..hardly pioneers following in , by your own admission, the foot steps of the pioneers.

big claims by somenody so unknown

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christ calm down boys!!!

this is exactly why I steer clear of internet forums!!!

As somebody who fished a lot with Ray Armstrong, he was a true pioneer who thoroughly deserved the record he caught.


this is a carp forum so back on track please boys!!!

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Never followed a crowd in my life, Salty Dog! Carp fishing is a joke these days, which is why we fish for em on the rivers. But I hate being judgemental - each to their own, I say. By the way, we were catching zeds on the Severn in tne early 90s, which doesn't get any earlier than that, and as for 'unknowns'..... laugh out extremely loud and hearty!!

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Forgive me if im wrong but i dont think anybody has ever heard of you!!!!

So as for laughing loud and hearty I think youll find this whole forum is doing that at your expense!!!

So by your own admission youve followed the great Severn anglers......youve obviously carp fished the Severn and not caught anything (If u had we;d have been the first to know about it by the size of your ego!)...so u r hardly a pioneer or an old timer we should respect!...makes me wonder wot your PB is????

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Oh dear. You have to realise that not everyone wants to publicize everything! We live and grew up in Worcester with the Severn on our doorstep.... need I say more.... been catching big fish of all spec from said river since the mid-70s, as have my brother, son and pals..... believe me, in Worcester we were pioneers - suggest you get the next issue of Pikelines.... anyway, can't understand why on earth you have got the hump!!

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well ive never heard of either of u! apart from i have a suspicion that u must b Neil Sarkar who is connected with Carp Logic and appears in the adverts in Carpology..risp!!! :lol:

no hump divingtec having been around since the 70s just totally miffed with the current sheep culture

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