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  1. Don't give up. Never give up man. Fishing can be slow or seemingly pointless at times when you just wanna toss the rod down and say forget this. I've been there but as the same time, when I started fishing at the age of 10 I was getting into 7 pound bass at a local stocked pond. That's when I got hooked. Then as the years passed I found myself at the age of 26 and I was seriously done with bass. Then I started chasing bowfin, catfish, and carp. Bowfin and carp are my favorite fish to catch. Unfortunately, after I got kicked out of my favorite pond to easily sight fish for carp, my carp fishing got really tough. It's not impossible though. Just slower now. Before at the pond I was booted from, it was fish on everyday multiple times a day. Now I'm lucky to get a few big ones per year. It's all about location to me. Sometimes it's easy bit most of the time it's really tough. Don't get discouraged. I read alot of good advice from the people that already posted replies. Take their advice and remember that it takes time. The most important part is to enjoy yourself and enjoy the time spent at the water. I recently put the spinning and baitcasting gear and picked up my fly rod again. Am I gonna catch as much fish? Maybe not maybe so, but I do because I enjoy it. And when I do catch carp on the fly, and I have, it takes my breath away I love it so much
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