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  1. Hi Ultima007 thanks for trying to help me out in this matter, but i think i will just bite the bullet and buy 2 new batteries. Thanks to all who have tried to help george
  2. howells were the first people i contacted to be told they could not this because it would take business from them,by they tone of there answer they wanted to sell me new batteries with connectors on still have a few people to see but thanks for your help george
  3. Hi unfortunately we don't have a Marlins over here in Northern Ireland, would Maplins be similar to Marlins thanks for your fast reply george63
  4. Hi there my wife bought me a Lake Reaper bait boat a few weeks back , i thought it would be a good idea to buy a spare set of batteries. wife bought me those as well (she is good to me) but did not buy one"s with connectors . i have been on the web trying to get a set of plugs to be told IF WE SOLD YOU THESE WE WOULD BE CUTTING OUR PROFITS. the connectors i have on original batteries are soldered on and i don't want to break that join, so if anybody knows where i could get a ser of these i would be eternally grateful george63
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