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  1. Looking for some info on Aveley Lake Syndicate. Anyone fished it lately. I know that it's a large lake and lots of snags but can't get any info on who to contact. Probably another top secret only those in the know syndicates. All help appreciated.
  2. Nazeing's got some good fish, fished Norh Met when I was a youngster, Glen Faba is an unknown source and a huge water, if I had my carp fishing career all over again I think I would have a go on there. And lived 5 minutes from Bowyers, fished it back in the early eighties when hardly anyone else did, best looking lake in the valley. Was a member of CAPS for a year, only really joined for Prestons cos the size of the water but was a bit dissapointed with the place, seemed most of the fish spent a lot of time in the out of bounds area. Then, so would I if I was a carp! may take a look at Kelvedon.
  3. Ironically I've spent most of my carp fishing in the lea valley, fished the ressies many many years ago. I'm currently on a syndicate water in Hoddesdon. Would be good to get somewhere in essex as I also belong to a private fishery near cambridge.
  4. Considered that idea, although rather not. If any I would have a go on The Quarry. Which ones you thinking of?
  5. Yeah maybe a ridiculous rule but I suppose that in a way is what makes the place much sought after. If the fish are the leney strain I can why....I was fortunate to fish Redmire some 15 to 20 years ago and even more fortunate to catch one, superb looking Carp. Now there's a place which is peaceful and reasonable solitude! I have come across a couple of lakes on facebook and another which I may go and take a look over, keep an open mind and see if I feel comfortable with them. If anyone has any ideas (apart from selling the tackle lol), be good to hear from you.
  6. 30s are not my main aim, but equally don't want day ticket waters either, nothing against those that fish them but I like to have idea who I am fishing with. As for the hush hush syndi's, I think I know of most of them, one in particular I would like to have a go on but the waiting list is closed.....so I understand! That's half the problem, getting to find out any info etc. I think we all want to fish in lovely surroundings, It's one of my preferences but equally don't want to be woken at 3 in the morning by yet another single or low double, done all of that years ago. One water I looked at recently was just a barren hole in the ground even if it does have big fish. I know it may sound as if I am asking for a lot, but aren't we all.
  7. Not fussed where, I'm in Leigh on Sea but will travel for the right place. I drive a lot for work so not worried about distance.
  8. Hi, looking for a syndicate water in essex, yeah I know isn't everyone! done the usual internet searches but not finding anything of interest. not especially looking to fish for huge fish, although good if one graces my net, would be happy with doubles 20s and the chance of a few 30s. not originally from the county so finding it hard to get any info. I have been carping for many years so I know what I'm doing, if you see what I mean. just looking for a nice water with a good set of members. Can anyone help? pm if you prefer. Cheers
  9. Yeah know what you mean carpbell, not what you know it's who you know. Must admit, didn't know the BCSG were still in existence. Although I belonged to a secret club down the colne valley a few years back, I never made any secret of it cos you could be 6 foot under before you even got an interview.
  10. Thanks Newmarket. Kinda' knew that it would be all secret squirrel stuff. Will keep looking for any more info. Not sure what the other guys talking about BCSG and Colne valley have got to do with Aveley?
  11. Does anyone have any info on this lake? Wondering who runs it, anyone fished it?
  12. Does anyone have any info on Lakeland Fishery carp syndicate in Hatfield Peveral, Essex? looked on their website and it says membership is limited, has anyone fished there? Cheers
  13. Thanks Guys, at least I now know the SP on the place. I also had heard that the farmer had closed the fishing because he wanted it for his crops....but maybe there is a little more to it than that!!!
  14. Looking for any info on Berners Hall, Essex. I had a look around the place a couple of years ago, now trying to contact someone re membership. I have found a name (Steve Hayes) on a couple of websites and his tel no, called it but unobtainable. As I say any info on the place would be great.......
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