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About geoffwga1

  • Birthday 19/09/1938

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  • Location
    Spokane WA USA
  • Interests
    almost all types of fishing.
    Girls (just dreaming)

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  1. ( Get some feed corn,sold as deer corn at Wallyworld, get the wifes blender,or better still coffee grinder and reduce it to fine meal.Put two or three cups of said meal in a bowl and put in a cup or two of dried milk,add one egg and your favourite flavour,flavor, today was garlic powder.Mix h until you have a nice firm sticky paste.Take a lump and roll it out into a long sausage about 1/2 an inch thick then cut it into pieces that will make the size of boilie you want,roll the pieces into little balls,I do it between finger and thumb, then drop them in boiling water for 10 or 15 mins.Remove and leave to dry out a bit before freezing.Thaw before using.
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