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Posts posted by spankycarper

  1. Thanks guys, had relative success with a small dumbell tipped with fake corn on a standard hair rig using a 4-6" supple braid hooklength so am on the right lines!!! And thanks for welcoming me to the site, hopefully you will keep answering my questions!!

  2. i know i probably will get loads of different opinions on this but im looking for a venue, not too far from sheffield (100 mile radius) to have a 48hr session at the end of may,with work and family commitments i usually only do short sessions and have never done a 48 hr so it will be quite new to me. can anyone suggest any suitable venues??


    cheers in advance

  3. hi guys i am new to the forum!!!, i am a converted match fisherman who has dabbled with carp fishing for the past few years but am taking it up seriously this year!! anyways enough about me, :?


    whats the best rig to use in conjunction with a solid pva bag using a pop up??


    cheers in advance!!

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