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About albatrossx1

  • Birthday 11/02/1973

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  1. Hi Guys well its that time of year and im starting to plan the first trip of the year over to France, i have been fishing lakes such as Villes Forges and Liez and Lac de Charmes over the last couple of years with some good success and after ive fished the lakes for a week i like to try the rivers for a few days but the truth is i have struggled to catch any number or size on the river Muese , its a awsome looking river and ive found a few great looking spots around the Revin area but ive not had the results yet, ive heard there are huge numbers of fish in there but wherever i fish it seems barren , any help would be greatfully appreciated Thanks in advance Rob
  2. i have used this rig many times and i love it. Those korum hooks seem to be difficult to get hold of now. I think they have changed the packaging? has anyone used these or the new versions, if so, are the new ones any good? Looks a very close pattern to Dannys wide Gape
  3. Most of my mates and I beach cast. We have no Tides so we either fish Dusk, Dawn, or all day sometimes. Depending on the time of year we get decent Bream, and a type of Trevalli (Dont know the English name). I would try to vary you casting distances, from very short right upto long. I have caught good bream on very short casts as well as very long !!! Try and source out localy used bate, I use local Lug or Rag worm or small baby squid. There my favorate, but there are lots here that fish livebait for the preditor species. I have never had much succes with spinnig here, but I have a mate that gets good Barracuda in out local port. But not often. If you get a chance to go out on a boat do it. I dont get much chance but at certain times (NOW) we get good schools of Tuna and Travali(Mainly offshore 3mile or so) but sometimes close in too. My best advice is to source the fishing area very well. Look for features such as rocks reefs, and fish nearby. Its inportant to think hard over here, It may look all nice for swiming and lovely blues but we have much less fish here than in the UK. Do some scouting and try and ask around or watch the locals. If you get really bored do what I do, Go in search of the MONSTER mullet in the ports, Bread flake is good, and its a right good laugh on ultra light tackle... Here you go mate this is a post i found on another forum, and what this fella says is about right, i at times do a lot of beach fishing on the southcoast and abroad, as far as rigs are concerned for these speices you can just use a simple one up one down rig or as its commonly known a two hook flapper rig , nice and easy to tie, or just use a simple running rig, baits can be any thing fishy , buy and oil fish from the market and cut in to strips or hunt for various shells or limpets from rock pools , for catching sea bream and trevelli you need a smallish hook and i would go for a size 1 longshanks Hope this helps abit Rob
  4. Nuff Said, nothing wrong with that rig, it beats needle n threading em
  5. where are you going!
  6. Dont know anyone whos fished hunts recently, as regards to the bank conditions i would imagine hunts will be very soggy to say the least, I know Oxlease has been fishing very well especially using 3 foot zigs with no baiting up, a freind of mine who fishes linear all the time fished on oxlease and blanked fishing over spod and casting bags around the swim, the fella next to him had a few on bags with pink pop ups, tom maker came down after my mate left and we think he fished my mates swim tom and mark bartlett took 96 fish in around 3 days all on the zigs, Some great catches have been coming out of B1 over regulary spodded areas as well as boilies. Any swim that doesnt have staging or gravel in them will be an absolute s++t hole so take ya wellies. Hope this helps and good luck
  7. Im sure those carpys will apreciate minty fresh breath
  8. Heres a few of my comments and ideas about the use of shock leaders, I cant see a problem with shock leaders myself as long as they are set up in the right way, obviously the use of drop off lead systems are the best way around a safe rig with a shock leader, but we better not go down the road of dropping leads again. The trouble is every ones casting is different and yes you should fish within a distance your comfortable at fishing safely , the only way is to ban shock leaders, lead core, etc and impose a 15lbs minimum breaking strain line on all waters. But until this happens a lot of anglers want that edge and to cast that bit further than anyone is a big edge at times, and im one of those guys, its some thing i personally take pride in, to cast and bait up accurately and consistently over 100 yards.What i do see alot of is anglers cracking off on the cast because they are using 12lbs line or less without a shock leader thus leaving lots of unattached baited rigs in the water. My personal set up for long range fishing is to always use a tapered shock leader when im casting and i cannot fault the ESP Tapered shock leaders 15lbs-40lbs with this set up i use power pro 40lbs braided mainline and with the drop off inline lead system i think it is a faultless set up, i always fish bow string tight lines at long range and with a tight clutch, i think slack line fishing has its place but only at short to medium range in very clear flat bottomed lakes, i personally think that fishing slack at medium to long range where there is any sort of weed or undulation in a lake is putting yourself at a disadvantage to landing fish, firstly the carp has ample time to find refuge in snags and weed, secondly the slack line approach is always going to allow carp to generate a lot of speed and momentum which is then difficult to slow a running carp down in time before disaster strikes. One final note on shock leaders is the advantage in having that extra strong piece of line at the end for added abrasion resistance against gravel bars and zebra mussels etc which can also stop the loss off rigs and fish, as this was originally about the use of florocarbon leaders i would love to see a tapered one on the market
  9. Hi Fishski, yes theres certainly a lot to choose from out there in france all for the price of a carte de peche, and alot that are only ever fished lightly by the locals , where are you from mate.
  10. Hi fishski, there is carp in lac d'annercy, have you heard of a website called Colinmaire.net if you havnt get on it , its an awsome site and will give you all the insperation you need, good luck
  11. Hi Matt, just to confirm on other comments i to regulary travel to france two or three times a year, and i genrally use the tunnel and occasionally the ferry with no problems at all. I drive a ford transit medium wheel base high top 3.5 tonne gross laiden weight , it is alway at least 2 thirds full with my 10 foot fibreglass boat, 4 spare batterys, engine, bait ,tackle etc even a small fridge. I regularly get checked at customs to check for drugs , immigrants etc, and they ask what im doing and i tell them carp fishing and camping, and never had a problem, they see hundreds of carpers a week . Even if you where to go by freight on the tunnel it would only cost about £235 anyway, and the only difference is that you cant stay with your vehicle, and you are transported to a carrage with all the other lorry drivers for the duration of the crossing, i think one of the main reasons of the 3 cubic meter rule is for drivers using the tunnel for business, ie, Haulage etc,
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