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Everything posted by catchinmyfirst30

  1. That is alot to try and take in but thank you mate, The diagram does give good points to think about when tying my rigs aswell, But like alot of people have said, i will try just one change at a time, I will put a picture up of my rig soon (work and daughter take alot of my time up) so you can all see and make any suggestions you think may help
  2. I will get a photo for you in the morning, my gear is packed up and my daughter is sleeping now
  3. I have heard that to but others have said korda hooks are ok, I will be trying without silicone when im next on the bank and if that doesnt work i will be looking at new hooks, Fox and nash hooks are the 2 alot of people have recommended
  4. I dont tend to give them to much stick but i dont let the line slack off at the same time, my rods are quite forgiving i think, both being 12ft 2.5lb test curve, I do make contact with the fish, last few times i have got them half way back and a few times they have touched the net and pulled off, Extremely frustrating!!
  5. Yeh i will give the silicone a miss see if that helps at all, And I do use a knotless knot with all my rig tying for bottom baits, I was told a curved point hook may be a better idea?
  6. Hey all, Im having a big problem with hook pulls at the moment and ive been told alot of different things to try; Bigger hooks, smaller hooks, different hooks, different brands etc But im getting a little confused and dont want to buy 10 different hooks to find half still dont work! I am currently using 12lb flourocarbon hook links with korda longshank x hooks in size 8 with silicone on the hook bend, On my last session i had 5 runs with only 1 landed! Any advise would be a massive help Thanks guys Rich
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