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  1. Good luck mate
  2. yeah sounds like a plan! The last guy I saw down there spodding tons of pellet had a stupid amount of bream. Any other words of advice for fishing this lake guys?
  3. Yeah i tend to have a few sessions on the yare as a break from carping, was brought up fishing on there so always like having a go. Hotspots? Well bramerton woods end where the sign for mooring is, half way along, theres abit of weed close in and the bream hang of the edge of it bout half way over, best i did in that swim was 160lb in an early morning session. Best spot is near surlingham, only one spot along there but an amazing spot, iv'e never not hauled down there, best was 57 fish all around 5 lbs with the biggest 9lb, so the otherside of 250lb in a night! I quite fancy a go one of these days on thorpe cut after the carp if you head to the right of the cut as far as you can go where the boats can moore theres a deeper hole there which the fish hole up in, maybe the carp do to and theres always the boats on the far side that have been there for ages! Got to be worth a crack..
  4. Fair play, I would rather be outside the city myself. I've fished that bend were the banks steep down to the water a few times and had some good catches with a few well over 100lbs. Mind they have always been summer and autumn so not sure if the bream hole up there in the winter. The way I always fish the yare when after bream is keep it simple. I kick of with 2 kilos of groundbait balled in which is, senses bream and brown crumb,small amount of fishmeal and then caster and small corn. Rigs are straight forward running rigs with open end feeders, start with a 16 hook to 2 1/2 hooklink and step it up if the fish are really having it, then it can be 4lb links to 12 hooks. If slow drop to 18 hooks. Hook bait is double caster, redworm or bunches of maggots. In that swim I fish about 1/2 way across to avoid the dead lillies closer in and to hit the deeper channel. being winter I would drop down on the amount of groundbait, maybe just focus on going in on the feeder, recasting every 15mins if I haven't had a bite. The inportant thing is if there is colour in the river, if its really clear it will be hard work, if you could do after dark it might help. I know bramerton does some big bream in the winter and lots of them especially after dark.
  5. Hi there, the bream won't be a problem! Just fish over a bit of bait and they won't be far away, i've had some huge nets of bream on the yare all around that area behind whittlingham broad. The carp might be abit more tricky! Its all down to location location location. They tend to spawn aroung the areas you have mentioned so your in the right area prebaiting would be a good way to go. Thorpe cut always seems to produce a few each year as well, where the yare goes into the cut is a good area, a guy a friend knew had a few fish there including a lump! I think the fish tend to head in there to get a bit of shelter when the rivers carrying some extra water. For your help theres another link asking the same question look under river carping on carp on the yare. Only other carp i've personally come into contact has been bramerton woods end, been snapped up a few times when bream fishing but they are few and far between, was a 31 lb mirror caught at rockland last year. Have you thought about the wensum around the town, new mills yard?
  6. Ok i had a feeling that might be the case! Tigers over hemp though a winning combo. I guess its a case of working through the bream!
  7. sorry yep the university of east anglia lake
  8. Hi all, does anyone have any information about carpin at the uea lake (university of east anglia)? Looking at the photos there seems to be a few lumps to have a go at so I want to get as much information as possible as I plan a campain! Any areas more productive than others? Its quite a size of water, do the fish follow the wind alot?The two guys I have spoken to both told me differant things so any help would be great! Also bait wize any top bollies/particals to go with, was thinking about tigers to avoid the bream as far as possible as well? Any help at all that anyone could offer on any aspect of carping there would be greatly received! Thanks all!!
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