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  1. Ok thanks, that's great Il have a look into them! Cheers bud...
  2. Hi there, well Leicester is 65 miles from here so round about that I think maybe a little further if need be!!
  3. Hey guys, so im from Leicester but now live in Sheffield and am looking for somewhere decent to fish for good sized carp between the 2 places? Have been looking for a while now but can't seem to find anywhere other than poxy runs. Any info on GOOD day ticket club or syndicate waters would be much appreciated. Thanks lads
  4. Right ok I guess that answers that then!! Thanks guys, cromwell's always full and you cant really choose where you want to fish because of that, unless you wait for days!! Any other suggestions for some half decent waters to visit inbetween sheffield and leicester? Cheers peeps...
  5. Hi peeps, Thinking of going sapphire lakes in a couple of weeks, I've not been before so just wanted to know if it's worth a visit or not? Cheers dudes!!
  6. Hey guys hows it going? im looking for some decent club waters in or around Sheffield or between Sheffield and Leicester as I travel between the 2 regularly. Oh im after waters with good sized carp if possible any info much appreciated. Cheers all...
  7. Hi there im also thinking of going in the next couple of weeks, but am I right in saying its 30 quid for 24 hours? Isnt that a bit steep or does that come with guaranteed catch?
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