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Everything posted by henrycarp123

  1. I myself am thinking of fishing it, did you get there in the end? any info on bait rigs swims etc would be really appreciated thanks
  2. Hi all, got a trip planned next year and decided to book Etang, any information will be helpful, things like bait, pegs, tactics ect. Anything you can tell me will be appreciated cheers
  3. where can i find him haha
  4. quality that mate thanks
  5. any tips/ pegs if you've fished here mate? any info appreciated:) thanks
  6. Well debating a trip next year and had a look around but it's all well and good on the websites but need to know what its actually like! doesn't need to be too cheap but things like good facilities and polite owners, not too big of a lake might be abit daunting! as for the carp im not looking for record brakers just the sort of 40-50 mark, also not too far from callais as dont want to drive miles! any idea's mate thanks:) henry
  8. hahah thats exactly what ive been trying to do and nothing so i need a new approach i think thanks
  9. cheers mate you see the thing is though the hooklink will often go down with the lead and get burried though and advice?
  10. I was fishing a water the other week and in parts it is 4ft deep but it has 4 ft of silt so i need a rig which will be able to sit on the silt but i need a heavy lead as it is about 50 yrds out what to do?
  11. I need some help! going on a possible family trip and wondering if this venue is any good says it has carp fishing but does not go into detail and doesn't specify on things like weights of fish how many what the fishery like ect. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
  12. Im from manchester myself and looking for a day ticket water, looking to come down for a few days and i dont really mind where abouts as long as its quality, willing to travel. Thanks Henry
  13. Looking for a decent carp fishery down south, any help will be appreciated. Any ideas thanks Henry
  14. cheers guys what lake would you reccomend if we were going for a 4 day/week trip on frant. Mufty thanks
  15. Hi all, im planning a fishing trip for me and my son and was asking if anyone knows any good carp fisheries anywhere down south eg. dorset or essex. Somewhere thats not too much of a challenge that does night fishing and price that is competitive and has some good fish mainly All help would be appreciated. Thanks
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