i went to donnington monsters of rock in 1995, was a great day, we stayed in the fields the night where al the cars parkedd as did many.
That year i seen, in order of show, 1.Corrosion of Conformity. 2.Warrior Soul. 3.Machine Head. 4.White Zombie. 5.Slayer. 6. Skid Row. 7.Therapy. 8. Slashes Snake Pit. 9.Metallica.
It was great day an night an day back home in the car. we met some right charachters, an on way home we seen someone hitchhiking about 30 40 miles away from it, an we gave him a lift an it turned ourt he had been there aswell.
We had such a laugh, me an my two foster brothers, an on the night time we went back to the car sent the tent up, an then sat in the car drinking an having a laugh, an then one of my foster brothers was like i need a sh** an he saidd theres some woodds over there about half a mile away, i was just go in the fielf in front of the car, no one is right by us, they was all roundd fires drinking an dancing, so he did , anyway me an my other foster brother could see him threw the windscreen, an i said to my foster brother when he squats, put the head lights on, so off he goes pulls his keks down , an crouches down an an i said put the lights on now, so we did, people round didnt even bat an eye lid as to busy partying, but it was so funny, as just to see him, almost fall over in mid action, trying to put his keks bak on so no one seen him, me an my brother wet ourselfves, he came back the car an wasnt inpressed. He went back an started again, we let him carry on in piece though.
Anyway, just for my two pence worth on the knots, i mainly use the palamar, or grinner.