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  1. There's 2 sorts of tubing. Shrink tube for hooks which widen the gape of the hook (not always needed) and anti tangle tube as its also known which helps pin the line from rod tip to lead, and is also believed to help protect fish scales during the fight. Now I personally use both, not because they look good but if use correctly can improve your catch rate. Now I'm not saying the anti tangle protects the fishes scales and without it you'll harm the carp, but I feel it cant hurt to have a little xtra protection..... but its a real pin to thread on. Also if buying shrink tubing make sure you buy the right bore for the hooks ur using
  2. Has anybody fished here recently, I walked round the otherday and I've instantly fallen in love with the lake. I'm hopefully going to get a ticket next yr and spend some time down there. I would like to help maintain the lake/grounds so if any1 can point me in the direction of a balif or fms contact number id be much appreciated
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