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  1. Hi there. live local and looking to try longleat this year!
  2. Very interested in this also! curently on marshals waiting list but would like more options!
  3. Thanks buddy! Always count on you!
  4. Hi guys hope all is cool Im not sure i get the whole balanced bait thing! i mean i know how to do them but whats the reason? am i right in saying it means all the weight is in the hook so it flips or holds better? if this is the case then am i right in thinking a kd rig is best or am i mixed up?! also how do you judge how much foam/cork you need to use? thanks guys!
  5. Look up todber manor or coking farm
  6. Nice one coops for the tip
  7. Thanks guys!
  8. Yeah i do that...its tying the knots i find the makes me loose or gain
  9. Yo guys...been tying my own rigs for a few months now but can never get them to be the same length. when i try they are always a few cm's out. am i just rubish or is there a few pointers any of you have to help me get it spot on every time? ta
  10. Yeah man more than welcome! the company would be good...my life is so tragic! did a 24 sat night and had nothing out but a few others had some nice fish. Which one do you fancy?
  11. Todbar manor big hayes/little hayes mainly and coking farm from time to time although have frustratingly had nothing out of the specimeb lakes yet :'(
  12. Would be up for a virgins trip with you if you want? i have only one fishing buddy and he seems to have lost interest at the mo! Think i might put a lonely hearts add in!
  13. Excellent lads..nice one!
  14. Yo guys hope everyone had a good christmas! Simple one for you here i hope....what type of hook is best suited for a combi rig or does it not matter too much?? cheers ya'll
  15. i too am interested in yately as i live about and hour and a half away..... wondering if its worth getting a half season ticket to take me up to march or just to go for a couple of trips as you can get frimley pit one on the silver ticket also thoughts and recommendations much appreciated!
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