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Everything posted by henrycarp11

  1. I dont know what peg i am going to use but i rang up and he said that i was not allowed on the big carp lake so i am going on the small one have you fished this one? and you know you say fishy boilies any in perticular because i have tuna fish and sweet chilli and scopex squid so which ones would you reccomend and would it be worth having a ledger tip and a carp rod on alarm or both on alarm? Thanks
  2. I am going to this fishery in a few days time and was wondering if anyone has fished it before and if anyone has any tips and trick on bait and other things?
  3. Does anyone know of any good day tickets in and around manchester. Looking for something quite easy and where you catch frequently but of a good size Thanks.
  4. cheers bowza i heard not long ago that a few big carp have died in their i have been there once and not caught anything but it was a rubbish day will certianly go there ! Any ideas on baits ect and any other waters i hear rixton claypits is a good one and cicely mill pool? do you know anything on these waters ?
  5. Hi all got loads of time on my hands these holidays and was wondering live near Manchester area any good fishing spots lake rivers commercials rules and tips good baits ect. I am a member of Warrington Anglers so any of their waters you would recommend? Would like to do a bit of river fishing as well any good rivers anybody knows about and tips for them? Thanks
  6. Has anyone ever fished it? Fishing on longlake doing a 12 hour session and then a week later doing a 24 hour just trying to suss things out anyone any advice for the carp and cats there baits ect. what size line and what hook lengths ect. wondering about using braided hook links aswell any advice would be appreciated.
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