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Everything posted by carpingcarl83

  1. I spent 3 nights on pendle view and never even had one run and the only carp that came out was 12 pound. i no thers biggies in ther but dam its hard, would be better off on shakerly mere if you can put up with hundreds of dog walkers on ther. had my personal best on ther 23.10oz mirror it was a striking fish. belmont is another of my favorites, and beech, if you can do sleepless nights
  2. I will also be joining lymm next year i started a bit to late to get my this year and i dont go in winter im a mardy pants in cold weather, not for me dont like freezing my balls off and not catching
  3. yeah suppose it makes sense if ur gona go alot. Try shakerly mere my friends bin doing well on ther recently he had a 17pound common, 23pound, mirror and a 24pound mirror in a 30hour session not bad, i think he said pellets is what he uses and spicey shrimp an prawn boilies, works for him, he fishes the island in the middle
  4. Dont do that pal, £130 for the last few months of this year, dont forget are winters are freezing come december you wont be able to fish lakes freeze over, try moreton fishery congleton £20 for 24hours, thers lots of doubles in that place and higher twenties, I went the uther week and baged up 32 carp in 48 hours all on coconut boilies fishing just 25 yards out, my biggest was 19pound mirror lovely fish. or try lakemore fishery get on the horse shoe lake and live bait for cats you only need your carp gear to fish for them, just step up your end tackle, 45pound braided hooklenght and a size 1 cat hooks is all you need, that place has some monsters, i hooked in to a train the last time i was, but it got away gutted. my friend had a 57pound cat and it took him an hour to get it in he was really tired and then the jammy get got a 42 pounder aswell he said his arms was gonna fall off if he caught another
  5. you cant cross lines when you cast, and ther not that small, funny me and my friends have had a few cats to 57pound and we have never took enyones lines out i think you may of gone a bit over the top ther pal. Thers many professional catfisherman that visit lakemore. and hes only strict when he doesn't no ur face he's just looking after his fish, once he no's your face he's a sound guy. he runs that place properly only lets so many on at knight and shuts pegs so ur logal idiot cant cast in your swim, and switche's the pegs he shuts to stop the fish holding up in the same swims,
  6. Lakemore is excellent for catfish spent a few nights on horseshoe that place has some monsters, can be hard at times but its wourth it when you hook into a train. i use live bait on ther and it works a treat, best catfishery in the northwest by miles and i love the way you cant cross lines with enyone.
  7. bridge water canal had a fish kill lots of carp died my friend helped clear it up he said for miles down the canal from lymm to walton ther was carp big and small all dead he said he has never smelt enything like it. it was very sad some were really big 20s plus. I would swerve that place if i was you. maybe thers lots still left but i stay clear of places that have had a fish kill. And if ya like a challange then go to lymm dam but lymm anglers let that place go and me and my pops took full advantige of it and spent many nights on that place even 5 nights in a rowe and alls we got was bream some were like bin lids but ther not my thing and i fished both ends next to the wall and were it go,s narrow at the far end its very hard to catch carp thers not enough in ther and thers to much natural food ther just not interested
  8. i dout me staying in the lodge had enything to do with blanking all rods stayed in the water i had my reciever. lots of people blank on that place. but then a big fish comes out thats like 30plus pounds witch is what makes me want to go back.
  9. Thats wer i live just off meeting lane. funny its a small world I was a warrington anglers member for years. Im gona try lymm anglers next year as i hear lymm vale has some monster fish and so does a few uther waters what they have. was gona try lakemoore for a few nigts but a family off mice have turn my bivvy into a nice cosey home to live, went in my shed to get something and ther it was chewd to bits looks like i no what im getting for xmas this year.
  10. hi ther im from warrington. I dont think thers many places in warrington to get bigger than ur best m8 ive fished most waters and my pb is only 21pound at grey mist witch is warrington anglers. lymm dam as some big carp but thats a hard place to catch carp. Thers moore quarry that has a few big carp and its run by warrington anglers. if you can travel a bit thers lakemoore fishery in crew thats were you will beat ur pb. an cudmoore near middlewich. hope this helps pal.
  11. i fished ther for a week in a lodge blanked haha
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