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Everything posted by shooter410

  1. Well i'v had them on all sorts there but as cheesynips has said meat does gd there aswell
  2. I should think they been moved by now as was speaking to the rangers bout it last month an he said they was in the process of doin it.
  3. Fished it quite a bit this year and had some nice carp outa there, biggest being 28.4. Weed is really bad on there but soon as you find them clear spots ya should be ok. Not fished it past month or two so not sure what's been coming out but it did really start to slow down for me, going from a few fish each session too maybe 1 or 2 every 3 sessions.
  4. So I'll guess it's bit on hard side in winter then lol na but few people i'v spoke to say they had them up 18-19lb outa there but i'v yet to see any pics so dnt know what to believe. Fink mite give it bash this winter for the pike and see what I get
  5. Fair play mate, two very nice fish. Do you no if it's any good in winter as I no there ment to be some pike in there aswell
  6. I think they had fish outa everywhere, something sadly that is hard to stop. You don't no what to believe unless you have seen it with your own eyes. I'v yet to fish trench, walked round there few times. Just seems really weedy for me but it can't all be easy work
  7. Yea am on bout past few months and without the taa approving it. The same story keeps poping up when am at blue pool, people saying fish hav been moved. If it has been happing then in my eyes thats just wrong unless the move is needed to keep the fish in good stock
  8. Been told by few people that carp have been moved from 1 taa water in to middle. Don't no if you no anything bout this jem?
  9. I'v tryed all sorts ther an had fish so anyfin really but mainly bolies poped off bottom wid bit of cork inside as it's a mainly silt bottom. Good luck an tight lines Ben
  10. Yea only £4 day ticket but ya cnt night fish so the rangers will come round about 8ish to tell ya ya have 2 pack an go. If ya type it in search bar up top you should find sum info on it on er. Biggest i'v hav out ther is 17 but there is few 20's in ther. Na never fished it, kinda stick to local pools due to transport but do book sumwher else when I get the chance
  11. I fished shatterford earlier on in the year an blanked, few people have told me that they sold most of the big carp an cats end of last year but could just be chinese wisper. I'v dun few sessions on the withy past few weeks an had sum nice carp out but yet to hav a cat. Id say it's worth ago
  12. Well i'v got a season ticket ther an only been asked for it 1 time an tht was when I was leavin. Ain't fished it the past month so not sure if he been coming around. To be on safe side I just would get a season ticket as it's not a day ticket water anymore.
  13. Got a 48 hour trip planed up there, jst wanna no if any1 has fished it lately an had much out?
  14. Neva heard of the place b4. Wher bouts in shawbirch?
  15. Hey all. Jst after sum info, lookin for a gd venue in Shropshire too do a week session on. With a gd head of 30+ wud b good as lookin to top my pb Many thanks Ben [/u]
  16. Hmm yea sounds like an idea. I'll most prob b ther anyway lol had my eye on a few big 1s goin around
  17. Hmmm I no wher you cumin from bout the rumours cus i'v been told loads but they seem to all b from few years back. I'v been fishin ther for over a year now and never cum across any trouble. Ya cud say it's the same wher ever ya go, hit an miss. To me it's a cracking lil pool and I fink ther a few hidden gems in ther aswell defo worth ago
  18. You not fished blue yet sterry?
  19. Yea Sure, Neva 1 2 turn dwn fishing defo when am stuck at work all week lol yea I no wt peg ya mean, tht use to b the only 1 I wud fish last year but i'v seem 2 had more luck off the rest this year. Yea put the 1 under the tree as ther a gravel bit ther.
  20. No way m8, small wrld ain't it lol na I Neva stoped nufa night, lost to much tac, went bout Half 7. Margins seem 2 b the 1 at tht pool, lot of fish pass by in the night. You ther again this wkend dave?
  21. Yea a lad on peg nxt 2 me had a 6pnd cat on pop ups An overnighter is well worth it m8, dnt seem 2 get any trouble or anyfin. Hmmm yea I did speak 2 sum1 sat afternoon mite of been morin time, was on the bend by wher they swim
  22. Cheers m8. I'll hav a look
  23. had quite a few carp out ther this yr, biggest bein 19.5oz an smallest 11. was ther fri night and got snaped 5 times and netted 2...17 & 15. must of been fishing to a snag but did use a marker float, didnt find anyfin but a trip ther in the week is needed to double check lol
  24. Just after a heads up on this pool as never fished it b4 and am finkin bout doin 24 hour sesh on ther. Baits, rigs????? Many thanks Ben
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