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  1. They are no longer going to touch the Blue. Under the new proposals the houses will be built on the current car park and beside the Holiday Inn. A small car park will be put at the end for anglers. Work wont begin for 2-3 years tho. With regards Randlay and Withy. The Withy wont be touched. But it looks like water of the new roads will be run into Randlay. Main reason they don't want to touch the blue anymore is because it doesn't have an inlet or outlet and they don't wont to disturb the balance of the lake. Which could cause it to drain or flood. Seems the environment agency and Wildlife folks kicked up about it and they backed down. Info thanks to my mate James, he went to a meeting about the project last week and just got round to telling me. Maybe once they've finished it'll be safe enough to leave our cars there. Or is that asking too much.
  2. Yeh, looks like there building some houses at the far end . Plans i saw seemed to show half the shallow end filled in. Saw them a bit back tho, so may have changed since.
  3. Ill be goin after a cat next time, a lad had one 27lb on meat while i was there. Never caught one before so thought id give it a bash
  4. yesterdays shropshire star. from apley
  5. Had 4 carp out so far this year in 4 nights, a 12,13,15 and 21. All couple rodlengths out. No preference to boilie, me and mate had them on 3 or 4 different types. Didnt have any trouble with kids while i was there. Luckily we got dropped off tho so didnt have trouble with car.
  6. Anyone seen that pic in shropshire star, young lad with a 30.
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