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Everything posted by ozzy1994

  1. fair enough nick, like i say both set-ups are open to criticism seemed like a good idea though
  2. i do believe (other than helicopter set-ups of course) there a couple of products that make leadcore safer gardner multi clips being one, great little idea have used them with leadcore trim the tail rubber back and make the splice as small as possible and can't see why it wont work also i read in a mag a crafty way of fishing a inline safely with core' you put the first loop over the hard insert slide your hooklink down the other end and pull the other loop throught the lead slide a trimmed tail rubber down and job done! keep the leader short and the splice small again and there is another potential way of fishing leadcore safely! used this one for marginal fishing with and inline lead and works a treat. although i accept both ways are open to dispute some of the more experienced anglers will be able to expand more, quite happily fish mono straight through and use core'
  3. i read something once where it in incorporates a really short bit of leadcore a bead over the splice, rig, and another bead on the mainline so during the fight the bead will slip over the splice, and the rig slides onto the leadcore and will stop mainline damage due to the abrasion resistance of the core might help with damaging your fluro i hate to do it fella's i really do as there was a thread about it previous, but the story goes (based on my previous post) i fished the silty lake today and opted for naked choddy or slit rig on the line i know some of you prefer to call it that i know i said i was messing around with leadcore, but i found i could balance the pop up far better with a chod on the line it was quite tricky today and i only manged two fish but also lost two floater fishing, and a further two on the chod fished in silt, and i don't understand why i was dropping fish the rig went like this korda sinker with a 5mm thinking anglers bead over it, chod rig, another tungsten sinker with a 5mm bead over it and heli sleeve covering the lead. on the fight both times the chod slid right down against the heli sleeve. each time i got them under the tip and pffft gone. i don't know why, my prediction is that i don't have any cushion for the chod rig when it presses against the lead i was thinking a long silicone sleeve over the swivel of the lead would act as more of a cushion and would absorb the shock more when fishing with a short rig or is the problem elsewhere? if anyone could shed any light i would be very grateful thanks in advance.
  4. thanks zander my post was in no way a dig or anything mate just speaking generally and thanks for the reply and i know leadcore isn't to everyone's preference but the naked chod is something i will have a look at in the near future just gonna find my feet with the set - up first wish you the best of luck mate!
  5. great post zander, but i personally feel i fall into the "noddy" category here used one for the first time to today but let me explain. there is a lake near me with a very large gravel bar running down the centre of the lake with two silt area's either side i recently fished a 24 hour carp match not normally my thing but the way i saw it was it was 24 hours fishing for 8 quid bargain!, now my favored set up was around 7-8 inches of 10lb esp ghost fluro fished straight through to a size 10 wide gape hook. now this lake is considered a runs water 5-6 fish in a day session and you have done well within the first two hours of the match i dropped two fish i then swapped to a coated hook link with the same hook and only dropped one. never the less i went on to win it and i am still buzzing from the result made a few new mates, and was good to chill with my old man for the night. and i intentionally fished in the silt although not to soft if left for a couple of hours the lead would plug in. the lead set-up i used was a lead clip. after the match i pondered my first choice a semi stiff hooklink fished on a lead clip in silt!? not the best choice good job i swapped to a softer hooklink, but the amount of fish i have dropped fishing in the silt is unreal i have tried solid bags which has been quite consistent, but at the back of my mind i always thought "perhaps a choddy" so today at the on site shop of a different lake i brought the bits some esp stiff bristle filament, some size 8 mk 2 stiff riggers some size 11 korda ring swivels, and some some small rig rings along with the thinking anglers 5mm beads to mount on the leadcore. now this particular lake is a clay pit (no need for a chod what so ever) i flicked my rods on to the spots inline running leads and my fluro hooklinks steady action through the day was really good fun during the quiet spells i thought sod it i will have a go at tieing up a couple of chods for maybe a mid week session on the silty lake. after much swearing and jabbing my fingers with the stiff riggers i had tied a chod rig, and i was pretty proud with it not bad for a first effort. this is how i go about fishing it two feet lead core leader at the end a 1.5 oz square pear lead covered with a heli sleeve then i put the chod on then a 5mm bead about 8 inches form the lead (room for improvement i know) , and i sat there, and it sat there, and temptation got the better of me so i wetted it all down, one shake boom the rig was off happy i tied it on couldn't quite get to grips with flossing the bait on so i copied a way of blobbing it on it sat okay chucked it out for the last hour, and dropped a fish on it now the going was tough at the time not a bite around the lake for a while to say i was gutted was an understatement, but i remembered i never bothered to check it in the side, and it held the leadcore up it was to late for another cast so i shrugged my shoulders, and thought well i can try it in the week. now i may have dropped the fish because of the way it was set up or the fact i hadn't weighted it down properly only time will tell i suppose this kind of my justification as well one thing i will add is it was quiet around the lake had it been weighted down properly i may have had a few, and it was over clay. sorry for that mouthful, but i will explain why i think i may have been a "noddy" no need to use one, and i didn't bother to check it in the edge to test the buoyancy and the set-up may have been wrong you live and learn. however i have one gripe with your post zander, and this is in no way a dig you say you will condemn the "noddys" using it when they don't have to now i i took the time twice to make sure it was safe i know what you are going to say LEADCORE! but i made sure the bead traveled over the splice easily, and the chod got off, and used a light lead to make sure i didn't have an unnecessarily heavy lead close to its face. now being the stereotypical noddy i was fishing safely so does it really matter if i use a chod or not does it harm anybody does me using the most fashionable rig in fishing at the moment actually effect anyone! so why condemn them? it isnt harming anyone, and to be quite honest i couldn't care less if i follow every fashion currently in angling i still enjoy my fishing, and will do for a very long time so i will quite happily get branded a noddy i don't care i fully intend to make the chod a part of my fishing i have experiments to do on the silty lake , and i feel like using a choddy anytime i will so i also i feel i haven't been a "noddy". zander you are without doubt more experienced than me so please feel free correct any of my logic regarding rigs and when i intend to use a chod this is what this forum is about, but in my eyes i don't believe someone can be branded a noddy on this type of thing when they are fishing safely
  6. jules this isn't a dig or anything just a query why would you recommend synthetic leaders over leadcore im guessing you mean like safe zone leaders and the TFG ones ETC why are these considered safer than leadcore?
  7. fair one, i might have a water your interested in near ringwood it sounds like you're quite local to me so PM me?
  8. OTT, you fish broadlands alot?
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