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    poaching your syndi right now!!!

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  1. hi guy's i fished aveley for 5 years and still pop over regularly to see roy and paul the fish react well to heavy baiting especialy if you have a few nights infront of you, good quality freezer baits seem to be most efective with nash , mainline, and eclipse, all doing good hits over there this year i always found simple rigs with paste wrapped arround it to work well best thing to do is have a look from the middle of the sheep bank when you get there and the fish will show you where to go the bars run accross the lake and baits presented in the deeper channel between bars always did me proud there are plenty of weedbeds and snags in the lake some being quite savage , but roy and paul have put markers arround them so you can spot them (they even put reflective tape on them , ) most people tend to fish as far out as the can as the fish do like showing at range , but all my larger fish came from in close its done fish to 40+ this year, and trust me there are some surprises left in there that havent graced the bank yet the lake can be tricky at times but cant they all overall a well run venue with no silly rules and big pukka carp
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