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Everything posted by simmolad2008

  1. let us know how you get on mate. john
  2. Hi Thats a good place to fish mate from what i have been told. I havent fished it myself but i know a few people who have and they speak highly of the place. good luck mate
  3. Hi guys,only fished this place a few times as its full ov idiots,but i can say that my mate who i used to go fishing with when i was living that way had a 23lb mirror which i landed for him. He caught it on chopped meatballs which they love down there but i havent seen another twenty come out there. I do have a pic if some one wants to guide me how to put a pic on this site as i havent got a clue. There is a few high doubles in there as a few ov us have had 16,s 18,s out there but it is full off little carp and u need to get passed them first if u want the bigger ones. john[/img]
  4. Hi peeps. fished this place a few times the last few yrs and had some cracking fish out of there including a 23,7 ghostie. Can honestly say that ive never had a bad fish out there and the owner has started to pull his finger out and start keeping it tidy. Also a few yrs ago i heard that there was some tackle thefts down there but again ive never seen it and never had any trouble. It does get busy on a weekend and thats y i tend to fish it mid week. also its a pretty good winter place to fish. Thats just my experience on there. regards john
  5. Hi guys,cheers for the replys. hammer i,m looking for somewhere ideally quiet and not like a bivvy city. do u know anythink about bulksbury mill. Had a walk round there a couple ov days ago but again dont know alot about it. Iv,e been told there are a few lumps in there to target but dont know how true that is. Any help would be much appreciated . cheers again
  6. Hi guys. iv,e recently moved to andover in hampshire and i,m in need of a lake to fish with some decent carp in. dont mind a bit ov travel. Any help would be much appreciated. thanx in advance.
  7. Hi there is a lake called moseley old hall in bushbury.
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