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  1. armandw

    zig rig

    Thanks Beanz, will put in file memory one.
  2. armandw

    zig rig

    Hey beanz, it does seem to contradict itself. I understand what you are saying about a bolt set-up. What bothers me is, the following, when casting, what is the chance that the line might get stuck when hitting the bottom and the pop up might not be coming up at all, although drifting, but staying where it is, when releasing line. When I take into consideration what gidneyboy said and a bolt rig system is used the lead will take it down to 6m and will not come up even when releasing line for it to do so or I am I wrong in this regard. I tried casting with a long length, sometimes I get it right and sometimes not. In short I battle to get it right when using such a long hook link. When I use a choddi I use a ringed swivel hook link, hook the lead at the end of the runner (20lb fluro) with a quick clip and put on the bead. For me I know what will happen when the lead hits the water, the hook link will slide as the lead is falling quicker than the pop-up can follow as it is behind the lead and will be stopped by the bead. Then I ask myself again if a choddi oor a Zig is really that effective compared to other rigs for a person to go to all this trouble. This is the reason that I am on this site, as I do need your guys advice to be one in front of my counterparts.
  3. armandw

    zig rig

    Hey gidneyboy, I heard about the pop dropping in 6 meters of water to the deck but unfortunately did not dive to see for myself (I like being on top of the water). You are not the first person to give me this advice. Thanks, I made up my mind. I will stick with it only in grass or mud
  4. Sorry John. in euros * 11, in dollars*7-8
  5. Keenok, in South Africa is there another name that I can go by just to give you an idea, or any product that you gents know that is good quality exported to South Africa 300M BRAID 20LB= 30 dollars. coated braid =20m = 10 dollars. 10 m pva mesh= 10 dollars. Fluro line 200m = 30-20 dollars. What is the price that you gents actually buy these things for. Regards Armand
  6. armandw

    zig rig

    will you do this close to the margins or at any place that indicates fish activity
  7. 15 cm but not using PVA in the past as it is to short to do any harm, or that was my believe, longer than that I use PVA tubing or if 15cm I use PVA tube to keep the hook link down as it is much cheaper than the putty or even cheaper to use crimp lead (BY US). When going over 15 cm I like to use a sliding sinker with 2 gummy stoppers spaced one just behind the lead and one 5 cm further away, just like a simple bolt rig. When I want to balance I use a fluro boom with a ring swivel to attach the hook link but my hook link will not be longer than 5cm in this case. A bit of a long answer but I need to explain how I took the scales off. A normal hook link will not do it less than 15 cm, based on my opinion. I do not know if the braid might injure the eyes when turning around to fight the rod so I started to cover the mentioned braid with PVA at any length above 7 cm as well or use coated braid. When I use braid for a leader I cover the first meter in tubing AT ALL TIMES BELOW 0.30, however I am not sure if the right name for the tube is PVA or PVC. Good question Keenok but as can be seen it is based on my own experience and some changes in known methods and might not be agreeable to all.
  8. armandw

    zig rig

    Hi dougmoon, I understand, but except for the depth variations, is there some grass that he needs to clear for example or some underwater material etc. I tried a couple of times a Zig rig and found it to be better working in very deep water, at the margins or in obstructions such as grass. At 6 meters I will rather use a choddi with a quick link ring swivel on a boom with a couple of predetermined hook links made up, bringing in my lead much closer to the tip of the rod but releasing the line quicker on the cast. The last reason for my question. why would a person want to go to all this trouble and technicalities in 6 meters of water, if there is no obstructions, such as growth, mud etc. My motto, keep it simple.
  9. When I use very thin braid (20lb =0.17 mm, fireline) I cover the hooklink in PVC tubing that also assist in tangling and prevents it from cutting into underwater plant material. I did not damage any fish with the braid as well but did notice on occasion it removed some scales.
  10. armandw

    zig rig

    Just for interested sake, why do does a person want to use a zig rig in 20 feet (6m) of water.
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