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  1. Wildmoor Waters, 7 of us booked exclusive rights this weekend just gone( May 28-31st 2010) to main lake, 5 on bank and 2 in far cabin. both other cabins were booked too, we spoke to guy in one of the cabins and he was fishing 3 rods that with our total rods brought the total to 21 rods. Bait used ( That i can remember) Cell Spicy Tuna chilli Betaine Green Grd/B Sweetcorn 42 CC Moore Bloodworm K-G-1 Particle 42 Pineapple Active-8 pops Hemp/Bloodworm Pulse Strawberry / Cream pops Sweetcorn 42 pops The one Squid/ Octopus Strawberry/Cream pops Kick Bait boats : on lake 3 Weather Friday Sunny/ Warm Saturday Heavy rain Sunday Cloudy / sun Monday cloudy /sun TOTAL CATCH = 2 FISH 1@ 12 LB 1@ 13 LB This trip was booked by a friend, not until it was booked did i take a look at the forums, to be honest after reading reports i was taken a back a bit by the negative feedback which seems to be 80% poor 20% good, but went with an open mind, and anglers attiude to prove the knockers wrong. Unfortunatley they were right, and over 3 days 6 of us blanked 1 caught the above 2 fish and the guy in the cabin blanked also, this is obviously pressured lake, and with over 21 rods on a 4 acre lake. All types of tatics were covered by all of us, numerous types of rigs, boillies presentations etc, baits, After packing up and sitting down before leaving we all discussed the trip, and the general concensus was that there simply can't be the amount of fish stated (400) in the lake, and they just were not feeding, We also got many conflicting bits of infomation from the owners, one of the lads was told there 12 fish 30+ in the lake, another was told there was 30 fish 30+ fish in the lake. On the website there is a lot of pictures of one particular guy a regular, i was told he fishes peg 3 if he can't he won't fish there, one of the other lads was told the same story but he was told the peg at the end nearest the offices on the cabin side of the lake. You say it may be the anglers themselves, possibly, but 5 of the anglers are seasoned anglers with decades of experience and there's not a lot they do not know, and their eqipment would reflect that, and 2 anglers who have been fishing just over a year. The swims are very tight at wildmoor the trees each side have grown to point, whre you have at max 10 degress of cast from centre so your swim is very limited, this is typical of pegs 1, 2 and 3. collectivly we left a fair few rigs in them trees, trying to get to certain spots. We also were warned to take care of new planted oak trees, but couldn't work out why they had been planted ! they seem to have planted them on peg 2 right behind the pontoon, restricting how far behind you can take your rod. The owner also allows here dogs to follow her around the lakes, there were two large piles of s**t by the bivvies, which had not been picked up. Shower is hot and wet, there was a toilet there although the seat was broken but i didnt know that until i surfed of it. There are a lot of ducks a Wildmoor !, i had anything upto 10 ducks collecting in and around my poontoon and they are persistant little buggars, seagulls are also an issue, ensure you bring double the bollies you are going to ping out for every 2 that go out your lose one, We actually counted 12 seagulls at my swim at one point and were lucky if any any bollies made it to the bottom. As for the cabins i popped over and had a look at freinds one, they are very nice indeed, i didn't enquire to the cost but they are very modern and clean inside. Would i return to Wildmoor..............No i don't think so. Still had a great time and good crack with the lads which always takes the edge of bricking on 3 day trip.
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