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  1. its celled barvexs syndicate i dont kno much about it there is a number on sign post as u past the pool
  2. how much is it 2 do a 24hour here mate
  3. i ment to say i gona fish in the day if i can get a peg how much will it be do u have to pay more to fish 2rods
  4. doe's any one kno how much it is to fish
  5. hi all has any 1 fished at this lake as i am told they r sum big carp in the pool + its free 2 fish and i live near by if you have fished it be for wot baits r working 2 catch a nice big fish http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=52.474619,-1.494548&hl=en&tab=nl
  6. last time i went thay was like 6 or 7 cats mouching about the lakes nicking your baits 2 dogs and 3 big bird things i thinks its all about the money in nicks eyes not the fishing ? i ent going there agean
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