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Posts posted by dj_nate

  1. i got told a good way yesterday which is to tie a wooden kebab skewer (they cost like £1 for a hundred) to ur hooklength with pva string so as it sinks its always straight and lands perfect everytime, also when the string dissolves, the skewer will rise to the surface and u can fire a load of bait out at it and be confident in knowing that ur bait right over ur rig.

  2. well i have fished shard end for the last 3 weekends running now and have only caught bream......... i have spotted a few carp but they are very hard to catch there and i would say there is less than 10 carp in there thats why i went round to babbs mill to have ago and i spotted more carp there in 2 hours than i did at shard end in 120 hours and and caught one :D

    i think im definitely going to do the fazeley canal at the end of the week although i havent really ever fished canals for carp, is it much different from fishing lakes? is it better to fish midwater rather than on the bottom?

    any tips guys would be great :D

  3. hi ian, yeah i wouldnt mind giving that canal a go there was some bloke fishing it but was just fishing for little stuff and he didnt know if there was carp there.

    i was just looking at beaver pool in water orton on google earth could you tell me how i would go about fishing it as i read something on another forum saying it was bothered with by baliffs but it was sydicate run :?: when i say go about fishing it i mean who to contact to find out price and how to pay.

    cheers nathan

  4. i walked round there myself today and also spotted the notice board on the way in say pike roach and perch but no carp :(

    just as ian said theres only a certain part of the lake that can be fished with maybe 8 pegs or so but there is enough room there.

    i didnt spot any carp what so ever although there was a huge swell under one of the fallen trees (more than likely a pike)

    its a nice place so its worth ago for all u pike fisherman.

    ive been fishing shard end lately but it seems to be a bream pit although i have spotted a number of carp there, i also fished babbs mill for a few hours yesterday after doing the night up shard end and had a 27lb 9oz mirror off the surface (new pb for me)

    do any of you rate the canal or watever it is that flows along side near plantsbrook for carp as i had a walk along there too today but the only carp i saw was floating along dead (poor thing)

  5. Have any of you guys fished babbs mill in kingshurst before....?

    Ilive literally 5 min drive from it and want to do a day there (if theres any fish)

    I had a quick walk around there today but there was no1 fishing there. I spoke to the ranger there and he said he has seen plenty of carp sufacing recently athough i was there for 2 hours or so and didnt even see a bubble. Ive read many stories online about fish being stolen from there and put up shard end.

    Do any of you know if there is still fish in there? i mean i find it hard to believe that all the fish have gone.

    And finally i noticed it was very weedy and i have never fished anywhere where there is that much weed and i imagine that the weed acts as a giant natural larder for the fish and they are going to be in amongst it in this warmer weather for the richer oxygen, so do any of you have any tips or suggestions for fishing very weedy conditions?


    Cheers guys nathan

  6. Hi guys, i spoke to steve the baliff at lavender hall, on sataday on a vistit to see what the place was like.

    He has told me that station pool has been restocked and has around 200-230 carp in there with the biggest weighing in at 31lb 4oz, this was caught 3 weeks ago. The islands look like a great place but like what was mentioned its the first place everyone splashes down and the pressure on them is hard going.


    Prices were a little steep in my opinion £65 for friday to sunday but but to get away from the mrs and catch a good amount of fish its a small price to pay.


    Im going up there in around 10 days time for 3 days I will keep you guys posted on what i catch.



  7. hi guys im new to carp.com...... i noticed you guys talking about kingsbury and ive just moved to birmingham so not to familiar with venues here. im looking at doing 2-3 day stretch of fishing somewhere and just wondered if kingsbury allows night fishing or is it out of the question there.


    cheers guys, nathan

  8. Thanks for the quick reply ian, i had a search earlier to see what info i could come up with. From what i can see the nec use it when they do the national fishing exhibition and its occassionaly used for matchs but like you say i cant find who has the rights for there.


    I have been on the net most of the day searching for a venue where i can stay and do maybe 2-3 days in one go. The link you provided was very usefull thanks, I have now found many places that look quite intresting like cuttle mill although they do not allow night fishing i believe.


    Kingsbury seems to crop up quite often. Have you ever fished there? if so what are the the good pegs there and what is the stock situation there i.e. many large double figure carp there and is there a good chance of landing a nice fish there or is it kind of hit and miss?


    Thanks again nathan

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