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  1. thanks thats all i wanted.....
  2. try and read what i put .. there is nothing on there for me .....
  3. ive tryed that and it dont realy give me anything ..thinking ov going back to fishing down south ...
  4. sorry m8 but dident know thats the only water in the mildlands
  5. thanks but is there anywhere else
  6. Hi, welcome to the forum. If syndicates are of interest get in touch with Fosters of Birmingham, they control several. You'll find them to be helpful and friendly. You could also take a look at www.Fisheries.co.uk for information on many waters in the West Midlands. Good luck. Ian thanks but is there anywhere else?
  7. hi do any ov you no where to go carp fishing in the west mildlands .. ive moved down here 2 years ago .. ive only been fishing pool hall.. had some nice fish but would like to no where else to go a syndicate would be good thanks ....
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