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Everything posted by jazzo

  1. I looked at the facility pictures on their website , ones a a picture of a chap in a chefs jacket in a 'tackle shop' t'other is the same chap standing in a 'burger van', above him to the left a sign says ''prevent cross contamination'' lol ..
  2. Thanks for the '200'+ views, Ive now found what i was looking for, in Suffolk,meets all criteria,not expensive,clean,secure, and stocks,in beautifull surrondings,also one not mentioned anywhere on the internet or colated Tight lines!.
  3. I already have those...
  4. I know there's some you havent collated , but they are not what I am looking for in 2012, and I'm specifically looking in suffolk, no where else.
  5. wanted: In suffolk a syndicate ticket for 2012. I'm not looking for a weedy unfishable irrigation reservoir,nor a syndicate which is not proactive and forward thinking. must have: :a good stock of fish, both mirror and common. :secure,clean enviroment(free from litter and faeces). :otter fence. :vehicle access(that means i can get my car from a road to the lake car park). :a 12 month ticket. i dont require: :a outdated list from john wilson's 'where too fish'. :a weedy irrigation reservoir, where there is no control over the water level,quality, both in water or fish, or NO desire from those running the syndicate to improve or either maintain the fishery... : ie; now you've paid just sit round it like a sucker. : i wish to fish, not camp, and i expect to fish when i desire too, not excuses, im prepared to 'pay' for a service, and expect that service when ive paid for it. Sounds too much?, well it should'nt be in this day and age,fishery's should have a bench mark of standards which are easily attainable.
  6. the mere used to be very popular once, with a progessing stock of carp uptoo 27lb with quite a few high teens,tench to 9 lb, roach,eel's and then from no where it seems pike. and then maybe 5 - 7 yr's ago during winter, the carp stock seemingly dissapeared, at the time there was different tales of the mere being drained for works and the carp being netted,dissapearing into the reserve, and some even found on the beach dead. no body knows for sure what happened at the time but fishing declined from the gem of a fishery it was becomeing, and no one could find them, as far as im aware fishing is still free there with the exception of hiring a boat too fish out the back,and recently i heard a couple of carp had been spotted out the back but that could just be rumour.
  7. rushebrook/rougham?, i think its still going under different leadership, 200 quid a year with a stocking of new fish i believe?. http://www.roughamfishery.site50.net/
  8. i did fish there once, a few yrs ago, and the weed to be honest didnt put me off, im quite used to fishing in weed, heavyier than that is there infact to a greater depth. if anything put me off, it was the road and rail noise at night especially, i felt quite drained by it and that was just 24 hrs, so maybe not my cup of tea on that point. while i was there, i fished peg 13, on the oppersite bank,maybe the flag pole,and the little bay beside it?,one angler was bivvyed up, he cast one of his rods in the next pegs area with a bait boat,and went too reitre to his bivvy. another angler turned up in that next peg unseen by the angler in his bivvy, bivvyed up,markerd up, rods out, then had a run, at which point the other(first) angler also thought he had a run, so both anglers thought they had a run, but not the first angler, his gear was being played by the second angler which the first one couldnt see or realise. it wasnt until anglers on my stretch/arm of the lake informed both on the otherside of the lake by waving/shouting, that they realised, and the second angler landed his fish,and the first anglers gear.
  9. with all these does and donts and u cant fish here or there, do they want anglers too catch?,is the problem the lake?,with the weed, or the angler's?. or the owners?,and after all the losses,trailers and tethered fish does it hold what its reputed too. your making it sound like marsh farm, where there is so many rules against catching a fish, u might just as well hand over the money and go home which they'd be just as happy with. sounds to me some lessons there have never been learnt.
  10. thanks for that,sounds like a up n comming lake with a rosey future.
  11. hi not being a norfolk person by design, what area of norfolk is east ruston in out of interest and breif details of the venue perhaps?, i often read names about norfolk but cant associate where they are in relation to other places.
  12. ok that was a slight mistake on my part 55% discount for the product and 45% discount for the carrier for not bothering to deliver.
  13. wasnt there 'rumours' a few years back of the very same, why remove it?, people obviously fish there for good reasons.
  14. make it 55% and i might consider it,and thats still leaving you a profit.
  15. those commons u see in there are from WDDA'S HOLTON water after the EA told WDDA that holton was overstocked and needed thinning out. as for the otter's fresh/salt water doesnt make no difference to them,im not saying you will see them swimming off felixstowe pier, but they use the whole river and are often seen on the mud flats hunting crab,and if your in that part of the world, you'll see crab in the spraints somtimes, the salt water/freshwater actually starts up near the iron bridge ufford.
  16. I had that sandy mirror on once but it straightend a hook out, there was a larger mirror in there than that though, it had a large cluster scale on its head and two smaller clusters (like a ozzie flag)it went 29 lb most of the time, but was moved twice a long time before WDDA deserted loam, it now goes about 36lb. im fully aware of all the mis-behaver's at loam, the bailiff being one example of who i used too catch night fishing in WDDA'S time there,and also although i wont name some fish movers, lets just say they were past and present people, who might have loved loam, but just cant help themselves.
  17. my point about otters reffered to the original stamp of fish dating back to the 1930's. out the back of the ponds is a stream that runs from low barn(nr too raf woodbridge) and down too the river deben, a motorway for the otters which otters use on a regular basis for the whole of that peninsula, both bawdsey side and felixstowe side affecting venue's from melton too sutton and down too kirton and whats left of kings fleet syndicate and beyond. pre syndicate i regularly watched otters singlery and in pair's hunt and catch carp at loam for several years,even though the club and more importantly the EA denying their presence there after the EA releasing them just up the road by the owners of shottisham mill. there have been instances of people stealing a few fish in the past, and ive caught quite a few night fishing, and with sacks with a few carp in them, and not only that loam has suffered at least 3 deisel spill's in the past, but as ive pointed out who ever runs loam, it wont be a success as a gem of a fishery as it could be until someone has the vision to put a propper fence around it.
  18. i drive past it every single day, and as i drive past ive seen just 1 car in its car park, and thats more than likley the bailiff as he lives up the road. i dont think its particually fished that much,ive seen one or two brolleys on peg 13 as ive gone past in the summer, it used to fish in the winter once, but that was a different stamp of fish before they got eaten by otters. to be honest, the sooner it has a otter fence around it, the sooner it will become a carp fishery, a point who ever is running it hasnt realised yet, and yes it can be done, if you try,till then it'll be somewhat of a failure. Edited to remove swearing. Please don't do it again. Stoogi.
  19. ive only fished heartsmere once and that was about 3 or 4 yrs ago. when i fished it, there was just me and one other on there at the time, he had peg 5 and i had peg one/two, as those pegs are virtually together on a bend at the end of the lake, which isnt very big lake any way. too my left i had pads to fish too which was infront of peg 2?. and too my right i could fish into the corner and along the back bank, along the back bank a small tree root cluster overhung slightly into the lake. there was also a gulley 3/4's of the way out paralell running down the lake, those seemed the most obvious spots for my stay on that peg, i had 4 fish in the first 24 hr's and then nothing in the next 24. i put the quiet 24 hrs down too the fact several people visited the lake at differnt times making a disturbance,the other angler had some kids join him thro his session. the previous week i was told there were 5 anglers on the lake and they all blanked, so a quiet approach could be a key. i used nashy dumbells at the time out of thier freezer and my fish where 22 lb common,19 lb mirror, 16 lb common, 11 lb mirror.
  20. when i fished it a few years ago, most of the fish came from the marginal shelf, there are a few platau's, one of them very obvious sandy one between the island on the arm. i suppose area's for starting points are halls pit end(100's), the 40's -60's ,no carp bay up at halls pit end, and opposite the bottle pit, dredger bay nr the sailing club was out of bounds. you will soon get a idea where generally too fish as these are the used pegs with the best features, making the lake a smaller task too patrol for fish. fish wise they introduced a load of stock from the middle pit,along with the originals, a low 20 was a realistic target, since i fished it ive heard various tales of fish wandering off down the river when it floods. bait wise boilies,maize as hookbaits,chunky pellet(20mm+) seemed the best bet,and floaters/bread now and then off the top. i dont know the present fortunes of ocean pit now, but thats how it was when i fished it.
  21. haha, dont you just love rumours?, shame the rumour couldnt of been a diff bait sponser, their ones dont seem too have anyone with a age over 25 in their line up. i wouldnt have much faith in the fishery management aspect, it would be much the same as now, same chav, different hat. one thought did cross my mind today if it did become the rumoured syndicate, all the knives in backs just too get on it. not my cup of tea, but im sure the comedy of it would keep me entertained as i drove past it too greener pastures.
  22. maybe the bailiff thought if he scratch's about for a few weeks insted of fishing elsewhere he will be kept on, by the new rumoured owner?.
  23. indeed,top bloke, and sometimes he would fish inbetween the bivvys boys as well just to rub it in a little bit more, i think held held the final ticket purely on the fact he never abused his situation by just fishing 2 hrs 2 x a week, unlike the rest of the syndicate who lost theres.
  24. at a guess late 90's - jesus(john) held/holds the last/ only remaining yrly ticket.
  25. as rumour goes, a mate told me someone was walking around a few weeks ago, mesureing up the lake, when he spoke to them they said: " there will be fewer pegs, and the price will go up a bit more,and it will be fenced in". meltons been a loosely termed syndicate in the past and it didnt really work back then, good luck to who evers bought it tho, its been a long time coming.
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