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Everything posted by jonboy85

  1. I was having the same conversation last week. I do think less bigger fish have been caught recently, especially for september. Still we try! Good luck to both you guys anyway, perseverence is the key. Jonboy
  2. Its very difficult to say why we dont catch sometimes. I'm sure most of the people on here have had some really frustrating times with not catching. Everything may be right and it still doesnt go your way, thats carp fishing for you! What I would say is look at all aspects of your fishing and just experiment with different things such as length of hooklink, bait size, but dont forget the most important things such as location. Just keep at it and i'm sure the results will come. Hope that helps in some way. Good luck! Jonboy
  3. Thanks again guys. Got some 'drop em'. Always handy for the tackle box! am also going to look at a heavier line so cheers! tight lines:D
  4. Cheers for your help guys
  5. I use heavy metal to pin down my hooklink but i find once wet it slides up and down the hooklink so I want something it can grip to. Whats the best thing to use?
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