You have heard, is that 100% true?
yes this is 1000% true as it was me that was fishing it this women is horible she will b th end 2 shatterford i love th place jus hate her and her bad attitude towards paying customers its ridiculas she needs 2 b got rid of also some of ther freinds were fishing on ther n every day thy wer bringin them milk and bread dwn 2 th peg but wen we foned 2 get sum lives dwn she jus said no blatently, under any circumanstances can dav deliver anything 2 you its a joke i think thy 4 get hw much money we are givein thm each visit not jus 4 fishing but 4 bait and other things also really this women is horrid n if she was a man she would have wats comein 2 her of many ppl