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Everything posted by keystonecarper

  1. Post deleted. No more text talk please.
  2. mugga all th way!! u cat trust korda hooks had to many bend on me even on smal fish that are probaly not even double figures.
  3. has any1 fishing cudmore speci lake and no weather its worth fishing??
  4. hw u get on up ther the week end??
  5. oh yh penker u can ask dav yourself m8 if you no him as he was ther!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. You have heard, is that 100% true? yes this is 1000% true as it was me that was fishing it this women is horible she will b th end 2 shatterford i love th place jus hate her and her bad attitude towards paying customers its ridiculas she needs 2 b got rid of also some of ther freinds were fishing on ther n every day thy wer bringin them milk and bread dwn 2 th peg but wen we foned 2 get sum lives dwn she jus said no blatently, under any circumanstances can dav deliver anything 2 you its a joke i think thy 4 get hw much money we are givein thm each visit not jus 4 fishing but 4 bait and other things also really this women is horrid n if she was a man she would have wats comein 2 her of many ppl
  7. hi there its £20 for you 1st night then £15 each night after its not been fishing 2 well at th moment 2 b honest ,and i wouldnt bother trying 2 get on there on th weekend theres jus 2 many lines in th water. oh yeh the stergeon will keep you up alnight wipein out all three of your line out in th margins if you back lead so try get therm out as far as you can.[/b]
  8. yes this is true spoke 2 them yesday on th fne
  9. hi there im thinking of doing 4 days on pool hall runs water as the specimen as been closed and wonderd if anyone has any tips on there. baits, pegs, rigs. CHEERS
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