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Everything posted by russ_29

  1. if your connecting it to a quick change swivel, are you then putting silicone sleeve over it or a tail rubber? if so could you not get a longer sleeve/tail rubber make your loop smaller, so they sleeve tail rubber covers where the braid splits. Then the sleeve/tail rubber would give you back the boom
  2. to be honest hadnt really give that a thought. was just hpoing on some good venues lol. im prepared to drive 4/5 hrs not to sure on the others, ill just tell them its not much further lol
  3. hi all hope you can be of some assistance. me and 4/5 friends are planning a trip to france late next year. id say we were all good anglers as we seem to catch our fair share of fish. however we are at different levels and where a few of us wouldnt mind sitting there all week for 1 fish the others would like a few more runs. so i guess were looking for a water with a decent stock of bigger fish, as we are all agreed if we are going to france we want it to be different to runs waters in england. thank you in advance for your help
  4. lol
  5. will let you no how we get on. im going as long as when i ring monday there are pegs, will leave home to get there for when the gates open
  6. GOOGLE TOOL AMAZING. i found a lake tht i did a guest session on wednesday. caught my first grass carp at 27lb8oz. just gose to show if your a active angler and find the fish rewards are worth it . where abouts in west midlands are you??
  7. hi ryan im off there tuesday hopefully. Rang yesterday as its a long way for me to travel. The owner is away, I spoke to a friend he had looking after the place. He didnt seem to no alot about the place but was very helpfull. He said to ring back in 2days to speak to man chap, or ring monday night at 8 when gates are shut as they will no whet pegs are left. When are you planning on going?? would be nice to here your feedback
  8. fag buts crazy iv seen articles about lake owners moaning about the amount of fag butts on the bank because they can poison the water
  9. woudlnt bother with the other to pools mate very hit n miss from my experience but speck nicely to the baliff and he will let u nite fish it holt pools are good if its the ones im thinking of sure it is its known as charlie edens fished there and had no bits all day till a bloke who fished it was walkin round and asked how we were gettin on said not very weel he said method feeder with corn mixed in and corn on the hook your catch and true to his word after that we did was crazy how it switched on thats defo the bait for there is 7.50 a rod tho if commercial is wat your after theres broardheath the jam factory they have just done something to the water thats made it very blue and clearer but befor that if you blanked there i dont think fishin is the rite sport for you lol any bait any rig sure you could have no bait in the summer iv caught with harribo there if you can travel weave started goin to a place on the way to evesham called williow farm fisheries brillent owner u can nite fish there 5er a day quid every extra rod and 12quid for 3 rods 24hrs there has been a 34lber out in 2005 weave never caught any thing massive but good days fishing if you fish willow pool fish the top end dog biscuit and breed all day even rain and wind there feed of the top if you want to no about anywhere else pm me i live in worcester and have fished pretty much every where around here
  10. hi guys fort i would just add to this instead of makin a new tread im booked to go here but have looked at there fish and there tails have bits missing what would cause this???
  11. i really have caught on a haribo im not claiming it to be a good bait but like i said it was a well stocked pool and fish were feedin amazin where we were fishing
  12. thers shatterford but that is west midlands just outside kidderminster on the brigenorth road they have a website type shatterford in google would bedworth be classed as east midlands? theres bedworth fisheries not a huge head of cats but there is ment to be lots of carp
  13. they always use to well pretty sure they did i was there a few weeks ago and the lad next to me was tryin 2 catch them from masters but as u can imagin it didnt go well lol he said they didnt keep them because they didnt have the right tank
  14. i think havin to catch lives yourself is ridiculas valueble fishin time wasted
  15. i find her rude to we fished there one nite last year she said the gates shut at 8 no entry after fair enough we booked on for the weekend after got there a 7.45 and she told us no chance go home gate shut 7.30 it gets dark earlyer lucky we only live in worcester not 2 far a drive but if had come from further would have been p"$%"? off dav the lad tht works theres ok apart from keep tellin us to fish stuarts your catch cats and carp all day and nite and zippin around on the quad like was said befor use it to carry tackle although went last weekend and the bloke that owns it was havin a party and his family were takin the quad up and down the hill and a bloke had 3 kids on it and went off the road throhg a barbed wire fence then tipped it up side down quad was beat to bits how no one wasnt hert is beyond me
  16. i had better result on the first lake by his caravan went bk and fished his specimen lake with 3 mates and did no good but was alot colder worth a shoot jus hard to fish the weekend as they have comps on
  17. astwood is just of jun5 of the m5 ment to have up to 30s i went there for a afternoon session and had 8 fish biggest 18lb was fishin about 4 5hours but if your looking for bigger fish shatterford is the only place i no of on the telford road just out side kidderminster
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