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Posts posted by karlholding

  1. the only other alternative is to use a flouro leader with a couple of bits of heavy metal blobed on it this will nail it to the deck and as flouro is heavy and sinks like a brick anyway itl keepm it pinned to the deck and its almost invisible hope this may help a bit its the way im going now for this year and see what happens but then im changing to to a flouro mainline as the lake im fishing is gin clear

  2. Thanks again chap how did you get on with it did it work well i didnt know what i know now in 93 i was only fiftenn then and still serving my apprentiship catching big bream and chub and small carp basically learning the ropes but it was then that i read about andylittles exploding stringer do you have any more info on the rig at your disposal and where was you using it as i said did it work well as a few of my friends and myself have had really good results with it and near perfect hookhold everytime bout an inch in side the mouth and bang in the middle thanks again for the input and on the exploding stringer thing aswell its a great help il just get back to the drawing board with the ex stringer plus ive got another rig on the board at the moment so kep an eye out here


    thanks again




    I think I overcomplicated myself at the time with piddling about with rigs years ago. On the water I was fishing it produced my 1st ever 20 and a couple of other fish, but I was not putting the bait in the right place. Basically at the time I was out of my depth on the lake, so if I had put a BOG standard rig in the same place it may well have worked. :wink:


    I guess I was following fashion instead of my eyes :shock::!:

    i hear that its something i try really hard not to do i try to fish mey own way i do try to find out as much as i can about the lakes and baits that work and have worked well in the past as i dont belieive that baits blow a such fish just wise up to it a bit but after a while of ppl not using the bait im now leaning towards the fact that the fish do remember the bait but dont associate the dangers as much any more and if you can pre bait a little bit not loads but enuff for the fish to bocome used to eating it again then your away as all the rest of the ppl on the lake are doing the sheep thing and in a sence ive regressed back but it does work
  3. Thanks again chap how did you get on with it did it work well i didnt know what i know now in 93 i was only fiftenn then and still serving my apprentiship catching big bream and chub and small carp basically learning the ropes but it was then that i read about andylittles exploding stringer do you have any more info on the rig at your disposal and where was you using it as i said did it work well as a few of my friends and myself have had really good results with it and near perfect hookhold everytime bout an inch in side the mouth and bang in the middle thanks again for the input and on the exploding stringer thing aswell its a great help il just get back to the drawing board with the ex stringer plus ive got another rig on the board at the moment so kep an eye out here


    thanks again



  4. I did try the mesh in the bath as thats the onl place i could at the time the best i got was litraly 2-3 inches of seperation i think im gonna have to sit down and try this out and think it all through fro start to finish thanks for the tips though i can use them as a guide cheers chap

  5. This was a 6-8 bait stringer tied with elastic and a loop at one and of the elastic that the alka seltzer was put in then it was pulled tight and strecthed through the baits and somehow attached to the hair or hook(this is the problem im having) the end rusult is that when the alka seltzer has fizzed away (which incidently richworth now do a fizzing attractor tablet) the elastic snaps back through the baits with such a force that it spreads the baits at about a meter square spread witch is very effective when fishing small gaps in weed or sirt patches as you cant bait that accuratley with a throwing stick or a spod

  6. First tie the supple hooklink using a knotless knot but without leaving a hair then all u have to do is tie the stiff hair on using a whipping knot the just thread the tag end of the stiff hair through the eye and blob it with a lighter and there you have it job done and it all sits nicely to not all bulky on the hook.

    Hope this helps if you want to know anything else p.m me or summit

    cheers dude and tight lines



  7. Does anyone remember the exploding stringer that made a small shout at the beginning of the ninetys.I think it was andy littles idea and it incorporated an alka seltzer tablet a small length of pole elastic and a couple of other bits.More importantly can anyone remember how it was tied as i cant remember but i remember thinking that it was a rather clever idea


    edited for swearing! jules007

  8. I hear what your saying chap. I read alot of rig books and most monthly carp mags but ive never seen a hooking arrangement where the hair is pulled through the shrink tube almost at the end of the knot infact ive never seen the hair pulled through a hole in the shrink tube at all (other than on a sealed d ring setup) and the tubing carrying on down the the curve shank on its own but like i said im not all knowing thats why i have asked for more input on it thanks chap for the post im always glad of feedback and ive got another rig under construction at the mo aswell so watch this space


    Thanks again



  9. il try to its not as aggresive as the withy pool rig as the curve hook gives most of the shape the shrink tube just slightly continues the curve if you tie it up drag it across ur hand with a single piece of corn on and see how quick it turns its almost unfair to the fish il try to get pics on i did try yesterday but it kept telling me that pics cant be more than 15kb and my camera is ten megapixel but il keep trying

  10. Hello all not to sound big headed but i spend a lot of time sitting down looking at my rigs and the mechanics if them and i think ive sort of come up with a new variation of the K.D. rig that tom dove and all the korda boys are raving about. The rig itself is a bog standard rig tied with a supple braid like supernatral or nashys ultrasilk im also experimenting with E.S.Ps striptease but have yet to try it on the bank in a fishing situation.The hook to use is again kordas kurve shank or E.S.Ps curve shank these hooks are the nuts there extremely sharp and the pattern suits this rig perfectly.To start tie the hair using an overhand loop knot and set the hair length to about an inch but it is variable to the bait your using I.E. pop up corn or pop up boilies.Thread the hooklink through the back of the eye as per normal and whip down FIVE times no more (this is where it differs from the K.D. rig).Then finish as a normall knotless knot.

    Right now the important bit slide a full length of shrink tube down the hooklink and over the knotless knot and down the hook till its inline with the barb and 1cm past the eye of the hook mark the tube at this length remove from hook link and cut to length it should be about 3.5cm long.

    slide up the hooklink agaia back into position.Now get a sowing needle and push through the shrink tube 5mm past the end of the knot then take a splicing needle and pull the hair through the hole made making sure that the shrink tube stays in the correct position.Now making sure that the shrink tube doesnt move shrink the tubing over the kettle(mind your fingers)now because of the inturned eye on the hooks the hooklink should follow the line of the shank and eye (make sure that this is what its doing).

    Tie off the hooklink at the oposite end with a loop knot as using small sticks with this rig work very well.Add two small blobs of heavy metal rig putty to pin it to the deck remember that this is a critically balanced rig so the putty is not there to hold the bait down.now if the rig is correct the bait should sit up above the hook and the hook point should be just touching the lake bed.if you put the rig in the sink youll see what i mean then swirl the water round the hook point always stays down no matter how much the water is moved and it always stays parallel at a ninety degree angle to the hook even when off the lake bed due to the weight of the hook and bouyancy of the bait.Please feel free to try this rig ive never seen it before it may be out there somewhere i dont know and if youve seen it before then how did it come about and by whom so i can appologise for taking credit for there rig as it stands im calling it THE 90DEGREE NAILER as this has near perfect hook hold every time.

    So there you have it folks you herd of it here first (mabye)like i said try it if you think it needs a few tweeks then tweek it but please let me know how you get on with it :lol:


    Thanks and tight lines




    P.S it will work with a bottom bait using striptease or kordas version but this is still in trial period but then so is the first version.

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