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Everything posted by raver

  1. Hi can any one tell me how 6islands is fishing this year gt a week book there from Monday
  2. hi all thinking off doin a week at old mill lake at market raisan in a few weeks fishing willow lake can anyone give me any info on the place thanks........dave
  3. hi can any one on here give me any info on the lakes i konw one is called orton mere wich is the one closet to the nene park way i av herd that ther are carp in there can any one tell me if it worth fishing and how much a day ticket is there as i plan to do a day session on tuesday. i tryed the search bar but dnt come up with anything thanks dave
  4. yeh i ad a look at the water on the golf corse it looked abit smalland dnt look to be much water in it i think it was u beanz that told me about it i av dun abit ov walkin about on the back ov ferry meadows up to a stone bridge jst avnt seen a fish also i tought it could b the boats that was the problem wat streches dnt get many boats up and down as ther was one every 5 to 10 mins thanks 4 the replys guys hope 2 here more thanks again
  5. hi iv been fishing the nene near the bridge that joins ferrymeadows to thorpwood golfcorse for a few weeks now and still avnt cought or even seen a carp iv tryed prebaiting for 3 nites b4 and feeding mixers on the top with no result i did manage 2 stalk a lovely tench ov a bout 5lb but startin 2 think ther are no carp inthe area im fishing can any one help thanks dave
  6. can any one tell me how controls the nene from ferry meddows to orton mere if any one n were to get the ticket from n how much is it
  7. can any one give me any info on fishing the nene from the enbankment to ferry meddows eg wat size tha carp aren the spots to fish as i av looked every were n cant find much at all thanks
  8. hi ther any one know any good quiet spots on the nene in peterborough wiyh big fish as i av just moved to the area n need sum advice as i cant get 2 bluebell just yet
  9. rainbow lakes at hull as got huts
  10. cheers my fishing freinds i know about the obviouse one bluebell lakes i was looking 4 sumthing within walking distance from bretton center as i can not drive
  11. try the a1 pits at newark its hard but the rewards are delightfull
  12. i will be moving to peterborough in a few weeks any one know any good quiet lakes near to bretton with big fish plz [/b]
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