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Everything posted by bob2487

  1. does anyone know if they have any nice medium size waters on there ticket??? cant find any info on google so if anyone knows much about it i would be grateful to here about it cheers
  2. thanks for all the help. i think im gonna have to fish and see what happens.
  3. what bait did u use? i not sure if boiles work very well as i think the fish wouldnt reconise it as a food source as i have no clue how many they have come across. are particles the way forwards in your opinion?
  4. thanks for all the info salokcinnodrog will help me out loads! have you found that the carp and bream tend to stay together or are they just lone rangers?
  5. yer i have found it hard to get info. all seems to be abit under ground
  6. i was thinking of fishing down the bottom of whitlingham lane? thanks for the advise. what was the biggest carp you caught?
  7. i spent a little time last year looking and had a little lead about and found some nice spots but the fact iv never seen a carp is making me think twice. hence the ask for photos
  8. i heard the tails of people cathing 30's from the yare but i have never fishied it myself, does anyone have a pictures of fish from the river? im the thinking of having a go myself at the start of the new season so does anyone have any advise on were to fish and what baits to use? im thinking pre-baiting large amounts on particles for weeks inadvance just to get fish into the area as it's a hell of alot of water for the fish to hide in.
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