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  1. i fished here a couple of years ago done cristmas day till boxing day me and my mate had 23 fish between us nothing big tho but it was -7o at night so couldnt complane this was just befor mick left i herd he netted most of his fish so dont know what its like now how much are the tickets an can you still night fish it
  2. hi mate they are hard to find in loam ive done 4 nites this year and had 2 out from intercepter casting towards the sunken boat theres only been 3 carp out this year if your looking for them try behind the pump house or out from gose point there is a few around in the shallows but there keeping in the weeds if your going to fish walk round a couple of time first if your quite they do show themselfs
  3. thanks to everyone who posted i finally got hold of dale lastnite who informed me there are 80-100 carp in there mirors to 29lb and commons to 27lb. have sent my cheque of today and will keep you all informed on the out come thanks again sam
  4. thanks for info mate am going to ring him tomoro and see if i can get my ticket i have fished melton a few time alway caughte but it abit to busy for me and i would prefer to pay out for my year ticket at once will most defintly do acople of seesion on there this year as i go past it ment to of been up for sale for years hopfully this time it happens and the new owners sort it out abit
  5. thanks mate dont sound that bad at all just herd on another forum theres a 29lb ghost common in there didnt say what else am going to ring the bloke tomoro and see what he says looks nice and quite just what i want if anyone has got anymore info please post sam
  6. hi mate do u fish the place was wanting to know what the stock is like as am very intrested in joining was going to join caps but just found out my mises is pregnant so cant travel to far this year an since it less then 10 miles away i can get home quickly if needed any help would be much helpful thanks for the number sam
  7. there is another sydercate in sutton open last year its a resivoir right next to the deben cant remember what its called but if this is the one your on about i would save your money mate
  8. hi was just wondering if anyone has fished the little private water in sutton i cant remember what its called its by a white cottage and the lake has got lots of tree stumps in it if anyone has got any information about stock price ect they want to share i would be most greatful sam
  9. hi was just woundering how much the tickets are
  10. hi i am looking for a sydercate in suffolk any help would be greatfull
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