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Everything posted by jamesuk

  1. is there many carp in langold lake as its not too far from me and never bothered with it as ive never heard any carpy tales about the place?
  2. dropped my sister off at the caravan park last year and before i took her had a look on google maps and saw the mere, if she didnt have so many suit cases and kids id have put the rods in the car , had a quick look but didnt see owt of interest but you never know
  3. try it out for yourself mate with various methods and see whats best for you, experimenting is the key to sucsess, even if you have to use leadcore, personaly i use tubing and leadcore with bags and have no problems with either dont be put off just because its not on the next mans favorite list at the minute
  4. A1 pits at newark its like a haven camp site on pit 5 & 6
  5. looking for a club or syndicate ticket within or an hour drive from sheffield need a reasnoble priced one any suggestions welcome and dont mind size or stock of carp as i enjoy cherish every carp i have the pleasure to catch big or small i even dont mind getting the odd tench or bream either along the way.
  6. thanks for the replys, i think im going to do a experiment for a couple of months and use mono on one rod and my usual strippable braids on the other and see what happens.
  7. Hi does anyone use mono to make hooklinks i would like some views on it as ive thought about it when ive run out of my normal material.
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