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Everything posted by davyman

  1. Hi Guys looking for some help i am planning on fishing this weekend at billingford lakes in norfolk but struggling to find much had a look at the web site doesnt realy give much info i had a walk around the other day but couldnt see any signs of carp moving about not looking for what baits or swims or methods i like to work that out for myself but dont know which lake holds the carp to target does anybody know is it the first lake as you come in or the back lake that is quite open that holds the carp any help with where to start would be great cheers. davyman
  2. do you know which pit you will be on M8 i might be able to help as i fish them quite often.
  3. Hi guys i have fished billingford a number of times over the last couple of years and yes the crays are too much for me and have given up on the place. i have tried everything to combat them with no success i have wrapped my bait with armour mesh i have used plastics and nuts/corn they will have anything in there they have even pulled my zigs down from 6 feet off the bottom just to get at the boilies(nightmare all night being kept awake by single bleeps until they have had your bait.the last time i fished it i took a trap with me and in 24 hrs i had 124 crays and some are that big you could put a saddle on them...the top lake is great for pike avg size about 14/15lb with the odd big girl thrown in but you have to float fish to keep dead baits away from the crays.
  4. Hi Guys i fished st johns at linear 2 weeks ago for the first time and was aware of the stories before i went and it didnt put me off! having seen the site now all i can say is there was no sign of any security apart from the baliff coming around same time everyday like clock work and it depends on which lake you are going to fish as the ones near the road i cant see anyone trying it but if you go to oxlease or some of the lakes further out on the complex they are a bit exposed, my advice dont let them put you off just go for st johns or manor for your first visit and then make your own mind up. Davyman
  5. Hi m8 I fish A1 pits quite often they are not easy by any means pit4 i would always fish the split bank with pit 5 and fish the margins or fish from the a1 bank and fish the slope as the lake slopes towards that bank from the middle of the lake and the fish move up and down from shallow end to the deeper water they also like the floaters in there, pit 5 is very weedy but you will find clear spots if you use the marker there are also a lot of platues which arnet as far out as you would think these can be productive but the fish do move around on the wind in both pit5 and pit6, you will find pit6 can be very weedy at time and zigs at distance work well in there hope this is of help if you need more info PM me. davyman
  6. Hi i also used to live in warrington and started my carping passion around there i know someone has already mentioned lymm dam yes it can be hard but the rewards in there are worth it good head of twenties and some real monsters that dont get reported, give it ago at the swamp end or along the dam wall both productive areas. also give the bridgewater canal ago at carp corner near the walton arms pub or along whats called grappenhall trees both good holding areas for carp,another place that is not well known is the river mersey yes the mersey on the otherside of the manchester ship canal at latchford where the mersey comes near to the canal on the inside line deep slow bend hold good carp high twenties and mostley commons. if you want anymore areas or info pm me. davyman.
  7. Hi all i am looking at putting a bit of time in on booton clay pit just wandering if any one on here has fished it at all and would like to pass any tips on? i have been told it is a hard water how have any of you got on? cheers Davyman
  8. Hi guys went with my lad on saturday he had 17 carp between 2lb and 10lb and 2 cat a 15lb and 18lb i had 21 carp all between 9lb and the biggest was 19lb 4oz we both fished from 8 am until 11pm and then pulled are rods in so we could sleep the place is crazy not my cup of tea but good to get a bend in your rod fish big baits or you will be plagued by small fish, i ended up fishing 2 x 22mm hali pellets and still got fish around 9lb.
  9. Hi guys just wondering have any of you fished the new runs water at willowcroft? and if so any feedback would be great doing a night next saturday. what is the average size coming out? cheers davyman.
  10. Hi i fish pentney on a regular basis there is no catfish lake but the log cabin lake has about 4 cats in and has had for years they dont come out very often but i have seen them caught by carp anglers by mistake smallest is around 30lb largets is around 60lb, if you are going to have a go fish the sunken barge which is left hand side of the barbaque swim or fish the first 2 swims in dead mans bay. hope this helps. Davyman
  11. has to be pentney lakes, very quite lots of wild life great looking fish and 7 lakes to choose from something for everyone. davyman
  12. cheers for that guys need to have a re think i will leave the SWP until later in the year. davyman
  13. Hi Guys i am looking to do 48hrs at suffolk water park next weekend the 4th&5th feb any info would be a help as never fished it before. not looking for all your secrets just is it a decent winter water and anything else you think it might be worth letting me know or am i better off some where else in Norfolk/Suffolk at this time of year? cheers Davyman
  14. yep you would need them at the mo, all frozen but thawing quickly hoping to be down there on saturday night for an overnighter 2 rods out for carp and one out for pike fingers crossed. yep your right i am mad!
  15. hi Andycarper1 i am from warrington just down the road from you in manchester but have lived down here for the last 13yrs i dont know the water you are asking about but i do fish pentney lakes a lot for carp in the summer and change to pike in winter these lakes are right near where you are going to stay and there are 7 lakes to choose from and all have good pike in them. if you want anymore info Pm me. tight lines M8
  16. pm sent .
  17. hi smithy46 i fish pentney quite a lot in fact last week was the latest it all depends which lake you are going to fish and how long a session you are putting in on there if you pm me with more info i am sure i can help.
  18. hi all i am looking looking for a winter water to carry on my fishing in the colder months but would like somewhere with a decent record for producing during winter i am in norfolk but will travel a couple of hrs so any ideas? cheers grizz
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