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  1. i'm fishing a lake this weekend that is really good for surface fishing, thought i mite give a zig a go about a foot under surface is flurocarbon ok for zig rigs or is mono better
  2. i'am fishing warmwell this weekend, has any one got any tips. also i've heard there was a 50lber in there is this true ?
  3. i have fished todber twice and blanked both times, does any one know what baits work well other than the todber manor red factor
  4. does any one now anything about hatchpond in poole
  5. are there any other good venues in the same sort of area ? Fished it with a friend yesterday and had 120 pound of fish between us most low doubles. all apart from 2 caught on the bottom using marine halibut boilies and pellets, really good fishing.
  6. are there any other good venues in the same sort of area ?
  7. i'am planning to fish hordle lakes next week and was wondering if anyone has any idea what baits work well ?
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