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Everything posted by wardy_9

  1. Are there specific swins that you think are better than others on C pit? I must have got the coloured baits comment confused with B pit.
  2. ok cheers mate. I'm fishing it this Sat night so hopefully I wil get something out of there?! What do you suggest bait wise... a friend who fished it told me not to use bright bollies but natural colour ones i.e Activ-8 etc.. and to use sweetcorn, meat which i havent used in ages!! lol. i was thinking either swim feeder/method feeder possibly?! alot of people have told me about D pit being very HARD and the first pit opposite the car park being the lake for tench, bream etc.
  3. Hi, Ive recently been doin alot of camping in Bungay (Outley Meadow) and have heard alot about Bromme pits as being a good place to fish for average size carp... im not loking for anything massive but a lake that will good to fish. I went there not long ago on a day trip and managed to have 1 run whcih i missed. i fished the pit to the right of the car park, Pit B i think?! Anyone got any good advice of the lake and if anyone has fished it before?? cheers, Wardy
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