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    Only Fishing

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  1. hi ive just booked a 24 hour session on peg 49 any one got advice........ many thanks to all
  2. hi lads i was wondering if anyone has fished this lake, as im going next week and drawn peg 13 , can anyone give me some advice. cheers to all......................................
  3. hi i was wondering if anyone has fished the horseshoe lake, and got any advice. cheers don
  4. hi i was wondering if anyone has fished at realtree lakemore fishery, on hourseshoe lake, looking for advice on how it fishes, and what bait is best. many thanks to all, don
  5. cheers for that mate
  6. cheers mate, thanks for getting back, have you fished it.
  7. Hi all I was wondering if anyone could recomend a good carp lake, that you can overnight fish, near cheshire with big carp, dont mind traveling. many thanks to all. don
  8. cheers for that, nice one.
  9. Hi I was wondering if anyone has fished these venues,and could give advice on what the were like, and which you might recomend in relation to carp. All venues are in warrington. Acker's pit Blundells Farm Crimsditch Mill pound. Many thanks Don
  10. Hi i was wondering if anyone could recomend a good carp water near warrington cheshire. many thanks Don. Moved to UK Where to fish BBJ
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