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    fishing all i do is fishing an bein a mod

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  1. yer it working like magic for me my mate all he dose is keep choping an changeing things in his rigs atm im gettin off useing korda safezone leaders casue there not so safezone
  2. ive been tieing blow back rigs with korda wapegape 8 with super natrual an xs rig ring i have caught a shed load of fish with it but my mate keeps sayin to me ive got to much of gap from the hook an bollie but i think that gap gives the hook a better hold has anyone got anything to say which could help me with thus
  3. ive just start my season on banjo in hertfordshire an ive had alot of fishing biggest 18lb an ive gone from a biggish water to small pit has anyone got any idea oflake or pit for me to join to get used to big waters with good head of fish thanks tight lines Moved to UK Where to fish BBJ
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