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  1. most people fish at distance and concentrate on an area but i think if ur there a few days and stick to it you should catch a good fish or hopefully quite a few there are some high 30s . if you are blanking nip over to lake 1 there very close together and pull a few 5-10s out to keep you going
  2. i fish the place often, lake 1 is full of 5-15 pounders real easy to catch on most tactics fish with the wind in ur face very close in to the bank always seems to bag them up, the main lake has some huge fish but as youl find out is very very understocked most regulars dont bother unless doing a 2 day session, a lot of the other pleasure lakes have good fish in them ghosties koi f1s and goldfish included,
  3. probably way to far for you but just south of kendal lake district thers a lake called tewitfields which has log cabins right on the lake especialy for family and it holds some very good fish 30s
  4. hi mate, dont know if its to far for you but borwick is a 9 lake comlpex with pools with dif size carp and a main lake with close to 40 pounders, its nr carnforth just north of lancaster, it has its own site www.borwick.co.uk which has all the details iv found it a great place it has all the amenities and is safe for knight fishing, hope this helps i struggle to find places myselfe in south cumbria
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