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Everything posted by snag81

  1. I know which water you mean i've walked round it myself, i've been told there are some carp in there but not a large number and its a huge place, its not far from kilworth, maybe if you ask around in the nearest tackle shops someone can shed a bit more light on the place.
  2. Joined last week biggest fish so far is 21lb 2 oz mirror, also had a 19lb mirror, its starting to pick up a bit now, the mirror that came out at 32lb last year came out again last sunday by the same lad at 28lb.
  3. lol that bivvy and bank sticks have been there for over a month now, another 27lb fish came out by tussies in a match a few weeks ago, also spoken to alot of people who pass when were baiting and give us a lot of helpful info, gonna stick at it till we get a few, were fishin alot further up from them.
  4. No every1 just stopped posting, theres 2 of us who have been baiting, fished once but only after a week, no fish yet but seen plenty, we've also met a couple of other lads who are doin the same thing.
  5. just sent you another pm mate
  6. you have pm's mate
  7. Right 1 guy has pm'd me, tuesday night for those who are interested about 8' o'clock in the elephant and castle car park by the tackle shop and we can take it from there, the more the better.
  8. i live 2 mins away from the longford engine, so would be ideal for me, drop me a pm the people who are seriously interested.
  9. hello guys, sorry aint been on for over a week been mega busy workin silly hours, wasn't havin a dig at any1 regardin beer just experiences with people in the past, i'm well up for doin this though, if the people who wanna do this wanna meet up this week 1 night lets put the ball in motion, right wheres easier for every1 to meet, some1 name a pub. i know most pubs so it don't matter to me
  10. Well i didnt expect that much response, i've been wanting to do this for ages, with the amount of people interested surely 1 of us is gonna catch 1, we'll have to sort this out properly if this many are interested, all meet up 1 night and plan it, what i will say is we gotta be dead quiet or we aint gonna catch a thing, and no alcohol, you get away with a little noise on a lake but this is a different ball game, are all you other guys from cov except the chap from tamworth ?
  11. hello guys ty for your welcomes, yeah the canal by me is roughly the same width, some places wider some slightly narrower, as for the other question, those carp were caught round the corner just past tussies, but have seen carp throughout the canal, from the longford bridge by me all the way along and past the tackle shop, also seen alot of activity directly behind the footy stadium where there are a few pegs on the other side, as i say i just started baiting, havn't night fished it yet so this is as new to me as some of you guys but been given loads of advice and feel very confident that if the effort go's in i will get my rewards, the only downside to this is the idiots that use the canal in the dark, i.e the drunks. If anyone fancies giving it a bash with me in the next month to 6 weeks by all means pm me, or maybe get a group thing going.
  12. I dont know about your area mate but i live right next to the canal in coventry and there are huge carp here which very very rarely get fished for, the best thing to do is prebait an area you like for a month or 6 weeks at the same time everyday, i'm doing this at the moment just before it gets dark, the fish will eventually find the bait and keep coming back and feeding with confidence, then when you've done this night fish it cuz you got no chance in the day, a guy by me did this and blanked the first 2 nights, the 3rd night he had a 7lb and 22lb fish and the 4th night he had a 17 and 27, not bad for a months work, all these fish were caught between 3 and 4 in the morning. the guy who owns our local tackle shop which is right next to the canal has seen them much bigger, its exciting because your fishing for the unknown, hope this helps.
  13. i've not fished meadow myself but i know they don't go to 28lb as the owner says, but i do know the reed pool and carp pool don't have fish over 20lb let alone a 30 which is what the guy is advertising, if you have a look at the pics on the board in the fishery you will see what i mean.
  14. personally i wouldnt bother with either of those pools, the website is false advertising, i fished there for years and the fish he says are there simply aint there, its full of 3lb carp all with red spots on them, however i havn't fished it recently and told the fish in meadow pool do exist but not quite as big as advertised.
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